Chapter 4. Modeling with Vertices, Edges, and Faces
Well, that was quite a chapter. You learned how to control the camera and other objects. You learned the basics of using lights. You created animations by making and adjusting key frames. You learned how to save and load files.
In 3D, every model from futuristic cities to prehistoric dinosaurs depends on what we will study in this chapter. The vertex, edge, and face provide the foundation for all the mesh models. You will be learning how to construct and manipulate them and fix problems pertaining to them. This will give you the background you need to build objects in Blender. You will use your knowledge of operating the 3D View window to make it easier.
You will learn the following topics:
- Using Object Mode and Edit Mode for modeling
- Selecting and manipulating vertices, edges, and faces
- Blender's basic geometric solids for modeling
- Blender's data structure that underlies the model
- Analyzing and fixing modeling problems...