Time for action — using groups to organize your scene
Groups are a good way to organize the objects in your scene. They let you move multiple objects at a time and each object can be a member of more than one group, so you can organize them whatever way you want:
Press A to deselect everything. Select the sails of the sloop with Shift+RMB.
In the 3D View header, choose Object, then pick Group, and then Create New Group from the menus.
In the Properties window, select the Object button from the header, it's the fifth button from the left with the cube on it.
In the Groups subpanel, under the button that says Add to Group is a text entry button. Input Sail Group into that button.
Now look in the header of the Outliner window above the Properties window. There is a button that says All Scenes or Current Scene. Click on it and select Groups from the drop-down menu.
You will see your new Sail Group listed. You can use it to select all the objects of the Sail Group at one time. Click on the + (plus...