Mission briefing
Now that you are up and running, you'll want your BeagleBone Black to start doing something. This requires you to either create your own programs, or edit an existing program. This chapter will provide a brief introduction into editing a file and programming.
Why is it awesome?
It is fun to build hardware, and you'll spend a good deal of time designing and building your robots, but without programming, your robots won't get very far. This chapter will introduce you to file editing and programming concepts, so you'll feel comfortable creating some of the fairly simple programs that we'll talk about through the book. You'll also know how to change programs that are already available, making your robot do even more amazing things.
Your objectives
In this chapter we will:
Introduce some of the basic Linux commands and show how to navigate around the filesystem on the BeagleBone Black
Show how to create, edit, and save files on the BeagleBone Black
Learn how to create and run Python...