Querying data in your analytics
As you have seen, there are out-of-the-box experiences such as Power Apps analytics or Dataverse analytics that let you get basic metrics. You can export some data to get specific insights or cross that data from the information store through your app or Monitor logs. But to get full capabilities, the way to go is Application Insights as this is a more complete service for telemetry and specific trace analysis, to diagnose issues or questions about your app.
Data is stored in Azure Monitor, where you can analyze it with Log Analytics. It is powered by capabilities from Data Explorer, and it uses a specific query language called KQL. To maximize the analysis of the information, it is important to learn about KQL as it is the way you will query the system. Let’s get an initial view of it.
Introduction to KQL for Application Insights
KQL is a powerful language for querying, processing, and visualizing data in Azure Monitor Logs and Application...