Chapter 5. Monitor Your Energy Consumption in the Cloud
In this chapter, we are going to build on what we learned in Chapter 4, Weather Station in the Cloud with Xively, and this time, we'll send energy consumption data to the cloud. We are going to interface a current sensor to Arduino and plug a device like a lamp to the project so that you can continuously measure the current and power produced by this device. Then, using the CC3000 Wi-Fi chip, we are going to send this data to Xively so that it can be monitored on the Web.
The following will be the major points we will see in this chapter:
- First, we will interface the different components to the Arduino board. This will consist of connecting the current sensor to the Arduino board as well as the device we want to measure the current from. We'll also connect the CC3000 Wi-Fi to the project so that it can send data to Xively.
- Then, we will build a simple sketch to measure the current locally. This will confirm that the...