Latent Dirichlet Allocation
In 2003, David Biel, Andrew Ng, and Michael Jordan published their article on the topic modeling algorithm known as Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA). LDA is a generative probabilistic model. This means that we assume the process, which is articulated in terms of probabilities, by which the data was generated is known and then work backward from the data to the parameters that generated it. In this case, it is the topics that generated the data that are of interest. The process discussed here is the most basic form of LDA, but for learning, it is also the most comprehensible.
For each document in the corpus, the assumed generative process is:
, where
is the number of words.
, where
is the distribution of topics.
For each of the
, select topic
, and select word
Let's go through the generative process in a bit more detail. The preceding three steps repeat for every document in the corpus. The initial step is to choose the number of words...