Time for action — marking comments as spam
Spam is bad, but only if you let it infiltrate your weblog's entries. In the following exercise, you'll learn to use a good anti-spam measure to avoid recurring spammers:
Log into Roller and go to the Comment Management page. The first comment will be marked as pending. Click on that comment's Spam checkbox to mark it as spam:
Scroll down the page until you locate the Save changes button and click on it. Roller will show that comment as spam (the Comment field will be shaded with the same color as the Spam box):
Now click on the Preferences tab to go to the Weblog Settings page, scroll down the page until you locate the Spam Prevention section, and then type Humpy Bloggart in the blacklist:
Scroll down the page and click on the Update Weblog Settings button. Roller will show you the following success message:
Go to your weblog's front page, scroll down the page until you locate the VirtualBox Video from YouTube entry, click on the Comments[0] link...