Time for action — leaving comments in your weblog
I know it feels weird to leave comments in your own weblog, but don't worry, no one will find out. It's not as if you were in the supermarket talking to yourself with everybody else staring at you, as if you were some kind of a freak!
Open your web browser, type your dynamic hostname to visit your Roller weblog's main page (in my case, it's http://alromero.no-ip.org) without logging in, and click on the Comments[0] link:
Roller will take you to the POST A COMMENT section for that specific entry. Fill in all the required fields as shown in the following screenshot, just be sure to use your own name and e-mail address instead of mine:
Scroll down to the end of the page, answer the math question provided for authentication and click on Post to leave your comment:
Roller will take you back to the entry, showing your comment followed by the Your comment has been accepted message:
Now scroll up to the beginning of the page, and click on the previous...