Chapter 1. 3D Printing Basics
As cool as 3D printing is, there is a lot of hype around it, which sometimes causes confusion. Before starting to design for 3D printing, it's best to know a little bit about 3D printing technologies.
3D printing is a limitless technology in the sense that there is no end to the things it can make. Still, that doesn't mean that it can make anything without limitations. 3D printing can make things that no other manufacturing method can, but it has rules that need to be followed to ensure success. There are different types of 3D printing as well, and each type comes with its benefits and drawbacks:

In this chapter, we'll discuss:
- What is 3D printing?
- What types of 3D printing are there?
- How do FFF printers work?
- The anatomy of an FFF print.
- Supportless 3D printing and YHT.
- Wall thickness and tolerances.