A Beowulf cluster is nothing more than a bunch of computers interconnected by Ethernet and running with a Linux or BSD operating system. A key feature is the communication over IP (Internet Protocol) that distributes problems among the boards. The entity of the boards or computers is called a cluster and each board or computer is called a node.
In this article, written by Andreas Joseph Reichel, the author of Building a BeagleBone Black Super Cluster, we will first see what is really required for each board to run inside a cluster environment. You will see examples of how to build a cheap and scalable cluster housing and how to modify an ATX power supply in order to use it as a power source. I will then explain the network interconnection of the Beowulf cluster and have a look at its network topology. The article concludes with an introduction to the microSD card usage for installation images and additional swap space as well as external network storage.
The following topics will be covered:
We will first start with a closer look at the utilization of a single BBB and explain the minimal hardware configuration required.
(For more resources related to this topic, see here.)
BBB is a single-board computer that has all the components needed to run Linux distributions that support ARMhf platforms. Due to the very powerful network utilities that come with Linux operating systems, it is not necessary to install a mouse or keyboard. Even a monitor is not required in order to install and configure a new BBB. First, we will have a look at the minimal configuration required to use a single board over a network.
A very powerful interface of Linux operating systems is its standard support for SSH. SSH is the abbreviation of Secure Shell, and it enables users to establish an authenticated and encrypted network connection to a remote PC that provides a Shell. Its command line can then be utilized to make use of the PC without any local monitor or keyboard. SSH is the secure replacement for the telnet service. The following diagram shows you the typical configuration of a local area network using SSH for the remote control of a BBB board:
The minimal configuration for the SSH control
SSH is a key feature of Linux and comes preinstalled on most distributions. If you use Microsoft ® Windows™ as your host operating system, you will require additional software such as putty, which is an SSH client that is available at http://www.putty.org. On Linux and Mac OS, there is usually an SSH client already installed, which can be started using the ssh command.
It is practical for several boards to be configured using the same network computer and an SSH client. However, if a system does not boot up, it can be hard for a beginner to figure out the reason. If you get stuck with such a problem and don't find a solution using SSH, or the SSH login is not possible for some reason anymore, it might be helpful to use a local keyboard and a local monitor to control the problematic board such as a usual PC. Installing a keyboard is possible with the onboard USB host port. A very practical way is to use a wireless keyboard and mouse combination. In this case, you only need to plug the wireless control adapter into the USB host port.
The BBB board supports high definition graphics and, therefore, uses a mini HDMI port for the video output. In order to use a monitor, you need an adapter for mini HDMI to HDMI, DVI, or VGA, respectively.
The following image shows you the finished board housing with its key components as well as some installed BBBs. Here, a indicates the threaded rod with the straw as the spacer, b indicates BeagleBone Black, c indicates the Ethernet cable, d indicates 3.5" hard disc cooling fans, e indicates the 5 V power cable, and f indicates the plate with drilled holes.
The finished casing with installed BBBs
One of the most important things that you have to consider before building a super computer is the space you require. It is not only important to provide stable and practical housing for some BBB boards, but also to keep in mind that you might want to upgrade the system to more boards in the future. This means that you require a scalable system that is easy to upgrade. Also, you need to keep in mind that every single board requires its own power and has to be accessible by hand (reset, boot-selection, and the power button as well as the memory card, and so on). The networking cables also need some place depending on their lengths. There are also flat Ethernet cables that need less space. The tidier the system is built, the easier it will be to track down errors or exchange faulty boards, cables, or memory cards.
However, there is a more important point. Although the BBB boards are very power-efficient, they get quite warm depending on their utilization. If you have 20 boards stacked onto each other and do not provide sufficient space for air flow, your system will overheat and suffer from data loss or malfunctions.
Insufficient air flow can result in the burning of devices and other permanent hardware damage. Please remember that I'm is not liable for any damages resulting from an insufficient cooling system.
Depending on your taste, you can spend a lot of money on your server housing and put some lights inside and make it glow like a Christmas tree. However, I will show you very cheap housing, which is easy and fast to build and still robust enough, scalable, and practical to use.
The key idea of my board installation is to use the existing corner holes of the BBB boards and attach the boards on four rods in order to build a horizontal stack. This stack is then held by two side plates and a base plate. Usually, when I experiment and want to build a prototype, it is helpful not to predefine every single measurement, and then invest money into the sawing and cutting of these parts. Instead, I look around in some hobby markets and see what they have and think about whether I can use these parts. However, drilling some holes is not unavoidable. When you get to drilling holes and using screws and threads, you might know or not know that there are two different systems. One is the metric system and the other is the English system. The BBB board has four holes and their size fits to 1/8" in the English or M3 in the metric system. According to the international standard, this article will only name metric dimensions.
For easy and quick installation of the boards, I used four M3 threaded rods that are obtainable at model making or hobby shops. I got mine at Conrad Electronic. For the base plates, I went to a local raw material store. The following diagram shows you the mounting hole positions for the side walls with the dimensions of BBB (dashed line). The measurements are given for the English and metric system.
The mounting hole's positions
As mentioned earlier, it is important to leave enough space between the boards in order to provide finger access to the buttons and, of course, for airflow. First, I mounted each board with eight nuts. However, when you have 16 boards installed and want to uninstall the eighth board from the left, then it will take you a lot of time and nerves to get the nuts along the threaded rods. A simple solution with enough stability is to use short parts of straws. You can buy some thick drinking straws and cut them into equally long parts, each of two or three centimeters in length. Then, you can put them between the boards onto the threaded rods in order to use them as spacers. Of course, this is not the most stable way, but it is sufficient, cheap, and widely available.
One nice possibility I found for cooling the system is to use hard disk fans. They are not so cheap but I had some lying around for years. Usually, they are mounted to the lower side of 3.5" hard discs, and their width is approximately the length of one BBB. So, they are suitable for the base plate of our casing and can provide enough air flow to cool the whole system. I installed two with two fans each for eight boards and a third one for future upgrades. The following image shows you my system with eight boards installed:
A board housing with BBBs and cooling system
Once you have built housing with a cooling system, you can install your boards. The next step will be the connection of each board to a power source as well as the network interconnection. Both are described in the following sections.
I have seen a picture on the Web where somebody powered a dozen older Beagle Boards with a lot of single DC adapters and built everything into a portable case. The result was a huge mess of cables. You should always try to keep your cables well organized in order to save space and improve the cooling performance. Using an ATX power supply with a cable tree can save you a lot of money compared to buying several standalone power supplies. They are stable and can also provide some protection for hardware, which cheap DC adapters don't always do. In the following section, I will explain the power requirements and how to modify an ATX power supply to fit our needs.
If you do not use an additional keyboard and mouse and only onboard flash memory, one board needs around 500 mA at 5 V voltage, which gives you a total power of 2.5 Watts for one board. Depending on the installed memory card or other additional hardware, you might need more.
Please note that using the Linux distribution described in this article is not compatible with the USB-client port power supply. You have to use the 5 V power jack.
If you want to use an ATX power supply, then you need to build an adapter from the standard PATA or SATA power plugs to a low voltage plug that fits the 5 V jack of the board. You need a 5.5/2.1 mm low voltage plug and they are obtainable from VOLTCRAFT with cables already attached. I got mine from Conrad Electronics (item number 710344). Once you have got your power cables, you can build a small distribution box.
ATX power supplies are widely available and power-efficient. They cost around 60 dollars, providing more than 500 Watts of output power. For our purpose, we will only need most power on the 5 V rail and some for fans on the 12 V rail. It is not difficult to modify an ATX supply. The trick is to provide the soft-on signal, because ATX supplies are turned on from the mainboard via a soft-on signal on the green wire. If this green wire is connected to the ground, it turns on. If the connection is lost, it turns off. The following image shows you which wires of the ATX mainboard plug have to be cut and attached to a manual switch in order to build a manual on/off switch:
The ATX power plug with a green and black wire, as indicated by the red circle, cut and soldered to a switch
As we are using the 5 V and most probably the 12 V rail (for the cooling fans) of the power supply, it is not necessary to add resistors. If the output voltage of the supply is far too low, this means that not enough current is flowing for its internal regulation circuitry. If this happens, you can just add a 1/4 Watt 200 Ohms resistor between any +5 V (red) and GND (neighboring black) pin to drain a current of 25 mA. This should never happen when driving the BBB boards, as their power requirements are much higher and the supply should regulate well.
The following image shows you the power cable distribution box. I soldered the power cables together with the cut ends of a PATA connector to a PCB board.
The power cable distribution box
What could happen is that the resistance of one PATA wire is too high and the voltage drop leads to a supply voltage of below 4.5 Volts. If that happens, some of the BBB boards will not power up. Either you need to retry booting these boards separately by their power button later when all others are booted up, or you need to use two PATA wires instead of one to decrease the resistance. Please have a look if this is possible with your power supply and if the two 5 V lines you want to connect do not belong to different regulation circuitries.
To interconnect BBB boards via Ethernet, we need a switch or a hub. There is a difference in the functionality between a switch and a hub:
The following table summarizes the main differences between a hub and a switch:
hub |
Switch |
Traffic control |
no |
yes |
Bandwidth |
low |
high |
I bought a 24-port Ethernet switch on eBay with 100 Megabit/s ports. This is enough for the BBB boards. The total bandwidth of the switch is 2.4 Gigabit/s.
The typical network topology is a star configuration. This means that every BBB board has its own connection to the switch, and the switch itself is connected to the local area network (LAN). On most Beowulf clusters, there is one special board called the master node. This master node is used to provide the bridge between the cluster and the rest of the LAN. All users (if there are more persons that use the cluster) log in to the master node, and it is only responsible for user management and starting the correct programs on specified nodes. It usually doesn't contribute to any calculation tasks.
However, as BBB only has one network connector, it is not possible to use it as a bridge, because a bridge requires two network ports:
Because of this, we only define one node as the master node, providing some special software features but also contributing to the calculations of the cluster. This way, all BBBs contribute to the overall calculation power, and we do not need any special hardware to build a network bridge.
Regarding security, we can manage everything with SSH login rules and the kernel firewall, if required. The following diagram shows you the network topology used in this article. Every BBB has its own IP address, and you have to reserve the required amount of IP addresses in your LAN. They do not have to be successive; however, it makes it easier if you note down every IP for every board. You can give the boards hostnames such as node1, node2, node3, and so on to make them easier to follow.
The network topology
There is only one thing you have to keep in mind regarding RJ45 Ethernet cables and 100 Megabit/s transmission speed. There are crossover cables and normal ones. The crossover cables have crossed lines regarding data transmission and receiving. This means that one cable can be used to connect two PCs without a hub or switch. Most modern switches can detect when data packets collide, which means when they are received on the transmitting ports and then automatically switch over the lines again. This feature is called auto MDI-X or auto-uplink. If you have a newer switch, you don't need to pay attention to which sort of cable you buy. Usually, normal RJ45 cables without crossover are the preferred choice.
As described earlier, we use an Ethernet switch rather than a hub. When buying a switch, you have to decide how many ports you want. For future upgrades, you can also buy an 8-port switch, for example, and later, if you want to go from seven boards (one port for the uplink) to 14 boards, you can upgrade with a second 8-port switch and connect both to the LAN. If you want to build a big system from the beginning, you might want to buy a 24-port switch or an even bigger one. The following image shows you my 24-port Ethernet switch with some connected RJ45 cables below the board housing:
A 24-port cluster switch
One thing you might want to think of in the beginning is the amount of space you require for applications and data. The standard version of BBB has 2 GB flash memory onboard and newer ones have 4 GB.
A critical feature of computational nodes is the amount of RAM they have installed. On BBB, this is only 512 MB. If you are of the opinion that this is not enough for your tasks, then you can extend the RAM by installing Linux on an external SD card and create a swap partition on it. However, you have to keep in mind that the external swap space is much slower than the DDR3 memory (MB/s compared to GB/s). If the software is nicely programmed, data can always be sufficiently distributed on the nodes, and each node does not need much RAM. However, with more complicated libraries and tasks, you might want to upgrade some day.
For the installation of Linux, we will need Linux Root File System Images on the microSD card. It is always a good idea to keep these cards for future repair or extension purposes. I keep one installation SD for the master node and one for all slave nodes. When I upgrade the system to more slave nodes, I can just insert the installation SD and easily incorporate the new system with a few commands.
Usually, it should be possible to boot Linux from the internal memory and utilize the external microSD card solely as the swap space. However, I had problems utilizing the additional space as it was not properly recognized by the system. I obtained best results when booting from the same card I want the swap partition on.
To reduce the size of the used software, it is always a good idea to compile it dynamically. Each node you want to use for computations has to start the same program. Programs have to be accessible by each node, which means that you would have to install every program on every node. This is a lot of work when adding additional boards and is a waste of memory in general.
To circumvent this problem, I use external network storage on the basis of Samba. The master node can then access the Samba share and create a share for all the client nodes by itself. This way, each node has access to the same software and data, and upgrades can be performed easily. Also, the need for local storage memory is reduced. Important libraries that have to be present on each local filesystem can be introduced by hard links pointing to the network storage location. The following image shows you the storage system of my BBB cluster:
The storage topology
Some of you might worry when I chose Samba over NFS and think that a 100 Megabit networking is too slow for cluster computations. First of all, I chose Samba because I was used to it and it is well known to most hobbyists. It is very easy to install, and I have used it for over 10 years. Only thing you have to keep in mind is that using Samba will cause your filesystem to treat capital and small letters equally. So, your Linux filenames (ext2, ext3, ext4, and so on) will behave like FAT/NTFS filenames.
Regarding the network bandwidth, a double value will require 8 bytes of memory and thus, you can transfer a maximum of 2.4 billion double values per second on a hub with 24 ports and 100 Megabit/s. Additionally, libraries are optimized to keep the network talk as low as possible and solve as much as possible on the local CPU memory system. Thus, for most applications, the construction as described earlier will be sufficient.
In this article, you were introduced to the whole cluster concept regarding its hardware and interconnection. You were shown a working system configuration using only the minimally required amount of equipment and also some optional possibilities. A description of very basic housing including a cooling system was given as an example for a cheap yet nicely scalable possibility to mount the boards. You also learned how to build a cost-efficient power supply using a widely available ATX supply, and you were shown how to modify it to power several BBBs. Finally, you were introduced to the network topology and the purpose of network switches. A short description about the used storage system ended this article.
If you interconnect everything as described in this article, it means that you have created the hardware basis of a super computer cluster.
Further resources on this subject: