Using sensors
In this section, we will show how to use sensors to count the number of reserved tickets by each airline. To achieve this, we will need to count the number of reserved tickets for American Airlines and the number of reserved tickets for Delta Airlines. To count the tickets we will use sensors. Sensors, however, require data objects. Therefore, we will first need to create a corresponding data object. Then we will establish a connection to the BAM server. Next, we will define the sensors and the corresponding sensor actions. Finally, we will also show how to use the BAM adapter as an alternative approach to the sensors. Let us start with creating a BAM data object.
Creating BAM data objects
We can create BAM data objects using the Oracle BAM Architect web application. To log into Oracle BAM Architect, we have to open a web browser and access the following URL: http://host_name:port/OracleBAM/
, where host_name
is the name of the host on which Oracle BAM is installed and port