Going viral with the Share on Facebook plugin (and several others)
To extend your WordPress' site functionality a bit further, you'll want to consider the Share on Facebook plugin (previously called "Add to Facebook"). Unlike the FacePress II plugin, Share on Facebook enables your readers to quickly and easily post a link your content to their Facebook profiles.
Share on Facebook inserts a Share on Facebook button to the end of your posts. When a reader clicks on this button, a link to your WordPress content is posted to the reader's Facebook profile. If that reader has 500 Facebook friends, then those 500 friends will each see the link. The benefit of this is obvious: you potentially extend your readership by hundreds or thousands of viewers.
Share on Facebook isn't the only plugin that offers the same functionality. Several other plugins accomplish the same task such as Post-to-Facebook, the Facebook Share button (this is highly popular and is used on Mashable.com and ESPN.com), and Add...