Launchers and Choosers — An Overview
Launchers and Choosers are some other exceptional fundamental concepts in Windows Phone 7.5. They allow application developers to access the address book, web browsers, maps, messaging, and camera support without writing much code. The idea here is not to import tons of libraries and reuse the same functionality, but to pass control to the right application (system application) to get the job done and come back to the main application with the result.
Launchers are a set of API tasks that allow the user to navigate to other parts of the Windows Phone experience to accomplish a certain goal. However Launchers return no control back to the user or the calling program. Some examples of Launchers are e-mail, marketplace, SMS, web browser, media player, and the Bing Maps task. A complete list of available Launchers is shown in the following table:
Launcher name |
Launcher description |
Used for displaying directions from a starting... |