Making the footer responsive
To recap, we had built the footer on our base breakpoint as a collection of flex elements that were nested within each other. On smaller screens, we'll likely run into the same difficulty of fitting a number of items horizontally next to each other. As such, just as before, we'll be exploring ways we can stack them vertically instead.
Again, I'll leave it to you as an exercise to tackle the large-screen breakpoint.
For now, let's jump straight into Tablet mode.
Tablet screens
When you switch to Tablet mode, the footer section should resemble Figure 6.34:
Figure 6.34 – The footer in tablet view
The footer already adapts quite well to tablet screens, and you can verify this across the range of tablet screen sizes by expanding and shrinking the screen. As such, we don't have anything more to do here, so we're already done!
Let's see how it fares on mobile screens.