15.7 Summary
Presentation files are stylesheets used for formatting content files in the desired renditions for display purposes on websites. In this chapter, we briefly discussed how Documentum uses Xerces XSL transformation engine to apply Presentation files on the content XML files to create renditions.
We then saw the detailed steps for creating Presentation files and associating them with Template files in Web Publisher. We also saw how to create custom formats in Documentum and output renditions in the custom formats. We then discussed how to reapply updated presentation files to the existing content in Docbase.
Next, we discussed XDQL (eXtensible Document Query Language) and its benefits, and through an example we saw how it is used to fire DQL queries from within XML and process query results through XML.
Lastly, we touched upon a Web Publisher Job, Create_Dynamic_Content, that can be scheduled to run at periodic intervals to automatically reapply Presentation files on active content...