Version four – dashboard
This will be the most full-featured application in the chapter and has the longest server.R
file. There are two changes to the server-side code for this version. The first is that we will add back in the code that reports on the client state using the session$clientData
This is featured in the first version of the application at the beginning of the chapter, and for convenience, it is featured again as follows:
shinyServer(function(input, output, session){ [... other functions...] # (from cdata <- session$clientData # Values from cdata returned as text output$clientdataText <- renderText({ cnames <- names(cdata) allvalues <- lapply(cnames, function(name) { paste(name, cdata[[name]], sep=" = ") }) paste(allvalues, collapse = "\n") }) [... ...] })
Just for fun, we're also going to add in another map, using the leaflet package, which is available on CRAN-install...