Making a confirmation window
We are going to have a look at how to show a confirmation window after we click on an item in a table.
In this recipe, consider that fetching details of a database entity is an expensive operation and therefore we want to get the confirmation from the user before the application starts fetching the data.

The confirmation window is going to be a useful component in many other scenarios, such as confirmation before removing, saving, and showing information messages.
How to do it...
Carry out the following steps:
Create a new class
that will implement two methods for possible decisions (we will simplify it to yes and no decisions).public class Decision { public void yes(Button.ClickEvent event) { } public void no(Button.ClickEvent event) { } }
Create a new class that represents the confirmation window. There will be two buttons to handle yes and no actions. Then we add click listeners to the buttons, so we can forward the click action to the instance...