Using Frequency Shifter
Frequency Shifter is a special effect that shifts all frequencies of a sound by the same amount. It operates similarly to the FL Studio plugin Pitch Shifter, except that it doesn’t preserve the pitch key when shifting frequencies; instead Frequency Shifter increments by whatever exact value you tell it to use. It doesn’t force specific pitches the way Pitch Shifter does.
Frequency Shifter effects are much stronger on lower-frequency sounds than on higher-frequency sounds. Why? If you have a starting frequency of 100 Hz and shift by 400 Hz, the result is 500 Hz. If you have a starting frequency of 10,000 Hz and the shift is 400 Hz, the result is 10,400 Hz. The relative change is much smaller for the higher frequencies compared to the relative change for the lower frequencies. This is different from how other Pitch Shifters work as they multiply the frequencies by a value instead of just adding. How does this affect the sound? Audio affected...