A brief overview of my first CIO 90-day plan
In this section, I will explore the elements that make up a 90-day plan for a new CIO. This section intends to provide some credible examples so that you can prepare your own plan, either by reusing the template or taking it as a starting point. As this plan will also be shared with all stakeholders and staff, they will be aware of where you allocate your time. Here are a few guidelines for the CISO plan:
- The plan must fit on one page
- It must be clear as to what you will focus on and what you won’t focus on
- It is designed to be openly shared (avoid any confidential references)
- It must be structured with time-based deliverables (with pressure to stay on track)
- People, Process and Technology will be plotted along the y-axis (refer to Figure 5.1)
- The plan should be as closed-ended as possible, with more measurable actions at the end of your 90 days.
- Track your progress as the plan is completed (remember...