Building healthy organizations
Though neither Scrum nor Scrum@Scale subscribe directly to Lean development practices, they all place a premium on adding value, as defined in the eyes of the customer, which is the primary reason for their existence. Customers pay our bills and give the organization purpose.
The iterative and incremental approach to Scrum-based development provides frequent opportunities to build new capabilities, obtain client feedback, and use their inputs to refine the product going forward. At its core, the empirical process control mechanisms of Scrum provide an experimental or trial and error approach that helps guide the organization to build the right products, for the right customers, at the right time.
Scrum@Scale retains the original Scrum values of openness, courage, focus, respect, and commitment. Empiricism, established on the three pillars of transparency, inspection, and adaptation, is not possible without adherence to these values. Information...