1GP (1st Generation Packaging) 4, 12
reference link 4
2GP (2nd Generation Packaging) 4, 12
reference link 4
2GP unlocked packages
reference link 4
@future annotation 501
@namespaceAccessible annotation 18
acceptance testing 22
Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) algorithm 52
aggregate SOQL queries 263
AJAX Toolkit 347
Alexa 330
Aloha 28
Amazon Web Services (AWS) 273
AngularJS 363
Apache HBase database
URL 490
Apache Phoenix 490
Apex 650
code evolution 138
Custom Settings 123
deterministic governor 131, 132
Domain layer, interpreting 197-200
governors 129
governor scope 129-131
namespaces 129
namespace scope 129-131
non-deterministic governor 131, 132
separation of concerns (SOC) 138, 139
unit testing with 524-528
usage scenario 132, 133
used, for generating synthetic Race Data 473, 474
Apex application APIs
calling, from Apex...