This chapter initiated our discussion of patterns by defining antipatterns.
We learned that if we design software only with a mind toward meeting the requirements, we will build a system that can’t be extended easily. These systems are called Stovepipe systems because over time, they degenerate structurally as an exhaust vent on a coal-burning stove does. You will invariably reach a point where maintaining and extending such a system is untenable. Nobody wants to be the one to tell the bosses that you need six months with no new releases so that you can rebuild the company’s cash-cow product. Designing with patterns will help you avoid these kinds of pitfalls.
We also learned about a similar antipattern called the Big Ball of Mud. Foote and Yoder described the prevailing forces that we all recognize in our daily work lives: time, cost, experience, skill, visibility, complexity, change, and scale. These forces confound our ability to write good code in the first place. Even if we can write good code for our first release, these forces erode systems over time, such as a tiny stream forming the Grand Canyon.
We saw an example of throwaway code, which is how most projects are born. We now know what bad practice it is to just clean up the throwaway code and then ship it. It pays to spend the time to architect projects properly and assume the worst-case scenario: that your software will be wildly successful. If it is, you can absolutely count on feature requests and new requirements that you never even imagined when you wrote the throwaway prototype.
Patterns can be thought of as a language that defines common software design elements, coupled with an abstract solution that can be implemented in many different ways. They aren’t tied to a particular language or technology stack. As you learn to use patterns, your software will become more robust owing to a stronger foundation. Your projects will be able to support your inevitable success by providing avenues for future features and expansion that you couldn’t have conceived of when you started your project.
In the next chapter, I’ll prepare you for your patterns journey with the C# programming language. I will cover some popular idioms and practices in relation to object-oriented programming. In particular, pay close attention to the presentation of SOLID methodology, because it is the foundation upon which successful patterns are implemented.
If you are new, or perhaps returning to C# having worked with other object-oriented languages, I want to direct you to Appendix 1 at the end of the book. I wrote this for my students and colleagues who have an interest in learning about patterns but have focused on other languages, such as JavaScript or Python. Patterns are language-agnostic. Learning these patterns exclusive of a language is possible. However, I believe that we all learn best by doing, and that means you need an implementation language. The neat thing about programming languages is that they are pretty much all the same. All of them use variables, objects, methods, collections, and loops.
In Appendix 1, I’ll cover the object-oriented features of the C# language. I’ve alluded to my idea that newer developers within the field are the most at risk in terms of knowing the language reasonably well but simultaneously clinging to Golden Hammers and using C# to produce stovepipe software. I have a great many students who learn JavaScript from me and who, at my strong encouragement, want to take the next steps in their journey by learning C#. Given how differently inheritance and common structures such as objects and classes work between the two languages, you’ll undoubtedly detect my desire to be inclusive. I had originally written this appendix to be Chapter 2, but I didn’t want to bear the expense of having the C# crowd cry out, “I’m BORED.” Even if you’re a C# veteran, I encourage you to peruse the chapter. You might find I’ve explained things a little differently from many other authors, and certainly differently from an academic textbook.