Designing GUI Applications
Software applications are developed in three repeating phases: understanding a problem, designing a solution, and implementing the solution. These phases repeat throughout the life of an application as you add new features, refine functionality, and update your application until it is either optimal or obsolete. While many programmers want to jump right into the implementation phase, putting away your code editor and taking the time to work through the first two phases will give you a better chance to develop an application that solves the problem correctly.
In this chapter, we'll be introduced to a problem at your new workplace and begin designing a solution to that problem over the following topics:
- In Analyzing a problem at ABQ AgriLabs, we'll learn about an issue at your new job that you can help solve with your coding skills.
- In Documenting specification requirements, we'll create a program specification that lays out the requirements of our solution.
- In Designing the application, we'll develop a design for a GUI application that implements the solution.
- In Evaluating technology options, we'll consider which toolkit and language are most appropriate for our project.