Setting up your Scenes
You should now have a project panel with seven folders and a scene with Main Camera and OuyaGameObject that you have entered your developer ID into. We are going to use this scene as a setup scene that isn't displayed for long but instead adds all the required game objects. Normally in Unity, when loading a new scene, all objects are destroyed, and then the objects in the new scene are loaded. If it is needed to have an object persist between scenes then there is a method, DontDestroyOnLoad
that you can pass an object to. If the object is a component or GameObject then its entire transform hierarchy will not be destroyed either. A side effect of this is that if the scene has the GameObject added to it in Unity and you load it multiple times (on a level select screen for example) then the GameObject will be cloned multiple times and, with a GameObject that handles controller input for example, this can result in multiple controller presses being triggered. We can avoid...