Getting started with version control
Individual projects are easy to manage, but when multiple people are contributing code to the same project, things can get tricky fast. For instance, imagine keeping the project updated on everyone's computer and sending the project files to everyone every time someone makes a change; it would be inefficient to say the least.
To combat these problems, we can use version control, which is a tool that lets you host your code base on a universal repository and make changes that get pushed to everyone's copy of the project at the same time. Many different version control solutions exist, including Git, SVN, and Perforce; in this section, we'll show you how to set up a private Git repository using a website called BitBucket.
Version control is a complex subject, and we won't be able to cover every aspect of it in this chapter, but Atlassian, the creators of BitBucket, have a great collection of beginner tutorials on their website: