Configuring Retry handling in JMS
In this recipe we will configure the redelivery limit and expiration policy on a Queue that will take part in a reliable communication. This option prevents an infinite loop: when the redelivery limit is reached, the message will be moved to the error queue. The redelivery limit on the queue will always override the value set on the message itself.
Getting ready
For this recipe we need the two queues from the standard environment and a proxy service that consumes the messages from the SourceQueue. The proxy service will initially just log the content of the message to the console using a Log action.

Import the OSB project into Eclipse from \chapter-10\getting-ready\configuring-retry-handling
and deploy it to the OSB server. In the WebLogic console, perform the following steps to send a message to the queue for testing:
Select Services | Messaging.
Click on JMS Modules and in the list of modules click on OsbCookbookResources.
Click on the SourceQueue queue.