Sources for creating a form
The input resources are usually the first form component we need to address, as the entire form revolves around them. As such, this is the main feature that differentiates between the various wizards that APEX provides us with to create our form. APEX supports the following options and sources to create a form:

Form on a Table or View: Database tables or views are the most logical resources for a form, as they allow us to populate it with their stored data. Alternatively, we can use the form to save new/updated data into them. The Create Form wizard generates the new form around the selected columns from the source table or view, while using Database Column as their Source Type. This wizard also allows us to select which DML processes (Insert, Update, Delete) will be created for the form. When the wizard runs its course, we get a fully-functional APEX form.
Form on a Table with Report: This wizard actually creates two separate APEX regions one for a report...