Chapter 8. Backend Views
In this chapter, we will cover the following topics:
- Adding a menu item and window action
- Having an action open a specific view
- Adding content and widgets to a form view
- Adding buttons to forms
- Passing parameters to forms and actions: Context
- Defining filters on record lists: Domain
- List views
- Search views
- Changing existing views: View inheritance
- Document-style forms
- Dynamic form elements using attrs
- Embedded views
- Kanban views
- Show kanban cards in columns according to their state
- Calendar and gantt views
- Graph and pivot views
- QWeb reports
Throughout this chapter, we will assume that you have a database with the base addon installed and an empty Odoo addon module where you add XML code from the recipes to a data file referenced in the addon's manifest. Refer to Chapter 3, Creating Odoo Modules for how to activate changes in your addon.