Retrieving MongoDB server information
It is possible to extract build information such as system details and server status, including the number of connections available, uptime, and memory usage from a MongoDB service.
This recipe describes how to retrieve server information from a MongoDB service with Nmap.
How to do it...
Open your terminal and enter the following Nmap command:
$nmap -p27017 --script mongodb-info <target>
The MongoDB server information will be included in the script output section:
  PORT STATE SERVICE   27017/tcp open mongodb   | mongodb-info:   | MongoDB Build info   | ok = 1   | bits = 64   | version = 1.2.2   | gitVersion = nogitversion   | sysInfo = Linux crested 2.6.24-27-server #1 SMP Fri Mar 12   01:23:09 UTC 2010 x86_64 BOOST_LIB_VERSION=1_40   | Server status   | mem   | resident = 4   | virtual = 171   | supported = true   | mapped = 0   | ok = 1 ...