Scrollable text
Let's add a welcome textbox with instructions for the user. This text will be scrollable using the mouse wheel or a simple click-and-drag. It will look as shown in the following screenshot:

At the start, it will scroll automatically. Let's create it now:
Select our Nickname container GameObject, duplicate it by pressing Ctrl + D.
Rename this new duplicate as
.Select this Help GameObject and perform the following steps:
Drag our Title GameObject in the Container field in its UIAnchor.
Set its Side parameter in UIAnchor to Bottom.
Set its Pixel Offset in UIAnchor to {
Attach a Panel component by navigating to Component | NGUI | UI:
Set its Depth to
.Set its Clipping parameter to Alpha Clip.
Set its Clipping Size to
Attach a Collider object to it by navigating to NGUI | Attach and set its Size to {
}.Delete the Input GameObject from Help.
Select our Label GameObject from Help and perform the following steps:
Change its Font to SciFi Font – Normal.
Remove its...