Exporting the Gradebook data
Apart from viewing the data within Moodle, it is possible to export the Gradebook data and download it to view and use offline. There are four options that are available to download it:
An OpenDocument spreadsheet
A plain text file
An Excel spreadsheet
An XML file
You access these options from the Grades area in Moodle in the same way as you access the reports. How you access the export options will depend on whether you are using the drop-down menu or tab navigation within the Grades area. Both options are shown in the following screenshot. If you're using the drop-down menu, find the Export heading and click on OpenDocument spreadsheet (you can also choose other export options from here). If you're using the tabs layout, click on the Export tab. Within the export tab, a second row of options appears, which provides you with the export options.

Once you are on the export screen, a range of options are available for you to choose the information to be exported and...