In this final chapter, my goal was to give you an overview of the parts of QA that, while already important, might become even more significant in the future of game development. First, we learned about QA team structures. We learned how to organize them and how to build them into a reliable, efficient, and indispensable part of game development. Next, we learned about how to work with outsourced QA companies as an extended part of our own testing teams. We investigated how QA is organized and what type of QA career trajectory you might have. We touched down on testing automation, an important part of QA, the significance of which is going to increase tremendously in the future. And lastly, we spoke about the future of game QA and trends that might shape our industry in the future.
I sincerely hope that you find this book insightful and that it helps you in your work. It has been an amazing experience putting decades of my QA experience into one concise and organized guide...