Managing your time
For most certification test takers, having too little time to complete the test is not an issue. The total time for the exam is around three hours. However, if the exam is not available in your native language, you will get additional time added to your exam time to compensate for that fact.
Even so, managing your time during the certification can help you reduce the feeling that time is running out.
The assessment is simply one and a half hours; roughly half the time.
Do not spend too much time on any one question. If you feel you cannot answer a question after reading the questions and the suggested answers, mark it for review. Do not overthink on it. Do not turn it every other way, and do not feel bad. Very few will ace them all.
For example, say that we have 50 questions and three hours. That means an average of 3.6 minutes per question. You will, without a doubt, find some questions easy. Those will be answered quickly, leaving time for the ones where you need to think...