Consuming WCF Services from BizTalk Server
In the previous section, we discussed how BizTalk can expose WCF Services that can be consumed by client applications. In this section, we are going to turn our previous scenario around and have BizTalk be the client and consume a WCF Service.
Our business process in our previous example was a finance service that a car manufacturer provides to its customers. This car manufacturer has some strict financing rules that require the customer to have a Credit Score that is greater than five and an income that is greater than the loan amount. As the car manufacturer wants to sell more cars but does not want to take on additional financing risks, they have established an agreement with a third-party financing agency. So, if a customer does not fit the financing criteria of the car manufacturer, they can try to get the credit from this third-party agency. The third-party agency has looser requirements than the car manufacturer but in turn charges more interest...