Creating Schemas
Creating Schemas is core to handling messages in BizTalk Server. It's not uncommon to come across poorly created Schemas, without namespaces, with only string types, with mandatory fields not specified and not followed, or simply with everything optional. To create truly usable and explanatory Schemas that promote re-use and coherence, we need to go further. This section helps with that.
Type of Schemas
Schemas are used in BizTalk Server for several purposes, these include:
Describing, receiving, and parsing XML documents
Describing, receiving, and parsing Flat Files (non-XML text files)
Describing context properties (property Schemas)
XML Schemas
A Schema or XML Schema is a special kind of XML-formatted file that describes the format of another XML file, using a standardized form. XML Schemas are not only used to describe and parse XML documents. They also describe Flat File structures as well as context properties.
Envelope Schemas
An Envelope Schema is an XML Schema that has a...