Python is often described as Batteries Included programming. Everything required is available directly as part of a single download. This provides the runtime, the standard library, and the IDLE editor as a simple development environment.
It's very easy to download and install Python 3.7 and start running it interactively on the desktop. The example in the previous section included the >>> prompt from interactive Python.
If you're using the Iron Python (IPython) implementation, the interaction will look like this:
In [1]: f = [1, 1, 2, 3]
In [3]: f += [f[-1] + f[-2]]
In [4]: f
Out[4]: [1, 1, 2, 3, 5]
The prompt is slightly different, but the language is the same. Each statement is evaluated as it is presented to Python.
This is handy for some experimentation. Our goal is to build tools, frameworks, and applications. While many...