Common myths and questions around TDD
There are lots of myths and common doubts about TDD that crosses everyone's mind when they are about to start their TDD journey. Let me clarify most of them that I came across, for while I consulted many product giants around the globe.
Does it take more efforts for a developer to write a unit test?
One of the common doubts that arises in the minds of most developers is, "How am I supposed to estimate my effort when we adapt to TDD?" As developers are supposed to write unit and integration test cases as part of TDD, it is no wonder you are concerned about how to negotiate with the customer or management for the additional effort required to write test cases in addition to writing code. No worries, you aren't alone; as a freelance software consultant myself, many developers have asked me this question.
As a developer, you test your code manually; instead, write automated test cases now. The good news is that it is a one-time effort that is guaranteed...