Setting up a Sawtooth development environment
In this section, an introduction is given on how to set up a development environment for Sawtooth. There are a few prerequisites that are required in order to set up the development environment.
The easiest way to get Sawtooth up and running is by using Docker. In the following example, we will set up a 5-node network using Docker.
For this process, you'll need to first install Docker. In this example we are using:
$ docker -v
Docker version 19.03.8, build afacb8b
Sawtooth supports different consensus algorithms. In this example we will use PoET. However, other options are available too, such as PBFT. The YAML configuration files for both of these options are available at the links in the following sections.
Using PoET
The following link is available to download the YAML file for setting up Sawtooth with the PoET consensus algorithm: