Section 3: Deep Dive into Autodesk Dynamo
Section 3 is the final part of the book and will be a completely hands-on section where you will get your hands dirty with the various exciting workflows available in Dynamo. I will guide you in setting up the tools, while teaching you more advanced data science skills. Along the way, we will create both Dynamo scripts and Power BI dashboards, exploring more and more features and software customizations. Indeed, this section will include a deep dive into Dynamo data types with a view to understanding more advanced workflows. Next, we will use our skills to create a script that places families inside the Revit model. Before the end, we will learn how to gather data from multiple Revit models at once and visualize that data inside Power BI. The last chapter will focus on Power BI, showcasing a workflow that collects information using a Google form and creating a live connection to our dashboards. You will have a lot of fun!
This section comprises...