As we have seen, OpenCV can capture, show, and record a stream of images from either a video file or camera, but there are some special considerations in each case. Our CaptureManager class abstracts some of the differences and provides a higher-level interface to dispatch images from the capture stream to one or more outputs—a still image file, video file, or window.
A CaptureManager object is initialized with a VideoCapture object and has enterFrame and exitFrame methods that should typically be called on every iteration of an application's main loop. Between a call to enterFrame and exitFrame, the application may (any number of times) set a channel property and get a frame property. The channel property is initially 0 and only multihead cameras use other values. The frame property is an image corresponding to the current channel's state when enterFrame was called.
A CaptureManager class also has the writeImage, startWritingVideo, and stopWritingVideo methods that may be called at any time. Actual file writing is postponed until exitFrame. Also, during the exitFrame method, frame may be shown in a window, depending on whether the application code provides a WindowManager class either as an argument to the constructor of CaptureManager or by setting the previewWindowManager property.
If the application code manipulates frame, the manipulations are reflected in recorded files and in the window. A CaptureManager class has a constructor argument and property called shouldMirrorPreview, which should be True if we want frame to be mirrored (horizontally flipped) in the window but not in recorded files. Typically, when facing a camera, users prefer a live camera feed to be mirrored.
Recall that a VideoWriter object needs a frame rate, but OpenCV does not provide any reliable way to get an accurate frame rate for a camera. The CaptureManager class works around this limitation by using a frame counter and Python's standard time.time function to estimate the frame rate if necessary. This approach is not foolproof. Depending on frame rate fluctuations and the system-dependent implementation of time.time, the accuracy of the estimate might still be poor in some cases. However, if we deploy to unknown hardware, it is better than just assuming that the user's camera has a particular frame rate.
Let's create a file called, which will contain our implementation of CaptureManager. This implementation turns out to be quite long, so we will look at it in several pieces:
- First, let's add imports and a constructor, as follows:
import cv2
import numpy
import time
class CaptureManager(object):
def __init__(self, capture, previewWindowManager = None,
shouldMirrorPreview = False):
self.previewWindowManager = previewWindowManager
self.shouldMirrorPreview = shouldMirrorPreview
self._capture = capture
self._channel = 0
self._enteredFrame = False
self._frame = None
self._imageFilename = None
self._videoFilename = None
self._videoEncoding = None
self._videoWriter = None
self._startTime = None
self._framesElapsed = 0
self._fpsEstimate = None
- Next, let's add the following getter and setter methods for the properties of CaptureManager:
def channel(self):
return self._channel
def channel(self, value):
if self._channel != value:
self._channel = value
self._frame = None
def frame(self):
if self._enteredFrame and self._frame is None:
_, self._frame = self._capture.retrieve(
return self._frame
def isWritingImage(self):
return self._imageFilename is not None
def isWritingVideo(self):
return self._videoFilename is not None
Note that most of the member variables are nonpublic, as denoted by the underscore prefix in variable names, such as self._enteredFrame. These nonpublic variables relate to the state of the current frame and any file-writing operations. As discussed previously, the application code only needs to configure a few things, which are implemented as constructor arguments and settable public properties: the camera channel, the window manager, and the option to mirror the camera preview.
This book assumes a certain level of familiarity with Python; however, if you are getting confused by those @ annotations (for example, @property), refer to the Python documentation about decorators, a built-in feature of the language that allows the wrapping of a function by another function, normally used to apply user-defined behavior in several places of an application. Specifically, you can find relevant documentation at
Python does not enforce the concept of nonpublic member variables, but in cases where the developer intends a variable to be treated as nonpublic, you will often see the single-underscore prefix (_) or double-underscore prefix (__). The single-underscore prefix is just a convention, indicating that the variable should be treated as protected (accessed only within the class and its subclasses). The double-underscore prefix actually causes the Python interpreter to rename the variable, such that MyClass.__myVariable becomes MyClass._MyClass__myVariable. This is called name mangling (quite appropriately). By convention, such a variable should be treated as private (accessed only within the class, and not its subclasses). The same prefixes, with the same significance, can be applied to methods as well as variables.
- Continuing with our implementation, let's add the enterFrame method to
def enterFrame(self):
"""Capture the next frame, if any."""
# But first, check that any previous frame was exited.
assert not self._enteredFrame, \
'previous enterFrame() had no matching exitFrame()'
if self._capture is not None:
self._enteredFrame = self._capture.grab()
Note that the implementation of enterFrame only grabs (synchronizes) a frame, whereas actual retrieval from a channel is postponed to a subsequent reading of the frame variable.
- Next, let's add the exitFrame method to
def exitFrame(self):
"""Draw to the window. Write to files. Release the
# Check whether any grabbed frame is retrievable.
# The getter may retrieve and cache the frame.
if self.frame is None:
self._enteredFrame = False
# Update the FPS estimate and related variables.
if self._framesElapsed == 0:
self._startTime = time.time()
timeElapsed = time.time() - self._startTime
self._fpsEstimate = self._framesElapsed / timeElapsed
self._framesElapsed += 1
# Draw to the window, if any.
if self.previewWindowManager is not None:
if self.shouldMirrorPreview:
mirroredFrame = numpy.fliplr(self._frame)
# Write to the image file, if any.
if self.isWritingImage:
cv2.imwrite(self._imageFilename, self._frame)
self._imageFilename = None
# Write to the video file, if any.
# Release the frame.
self._frame = None
self._enteredFrame = False
The implementation of exitFrame takes the image from the current channel, estimates a frame rate, shows the image via the window manager (if any), and fulfills any pending requests to write the image to files.
- Several other methods also pertain to file writing. Let's add the following implementations of public methods named writeImage, startWritingVideo, and stopWritingVideo to
def writeImage(self, filename):
"""Write the next exited frame to an image file."""
self._imageFilename = filename
def startWritingVideo(
self, filename,
encoding = cv2.VideoWriter_fourcc('M','J','P','G')):
"""Start writing exited frames to a video file."""
self._videoFilename = filename
self._videoEncoding = encoding
def stopWritingVideo(self):
"""Stop writing exited frames to a video file."""
self._videoFilename = None
self._videoEncoding = None
self._videoWriter = None
The preceding methods simply update the parameters for file-writing operations, whereas the actual writing operations are postponed to the next call of exitFrame.
- Earlier in this section, we saw that exitFrame calls a helper method named _writeVideoFrame. Let's add the following implementation of _writeVideoFrame to
def _writeVideoFrame(self):
if not self.isWritingVideo:
if self._videoWriter is None:
fps = self._capture.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_FPS)
if fps <= 0.0:
# The capture's FPS is unknown so use an estimate.
if self._framesElapsed < 20:
# Wait until more frames elapse so that the
# estimate is more stable.
fps = self._fpsEstimate
size = (int(self._capture.get(
self._videoWriter = cv2.VideoWriter(
self._videoFilename, self._videoEncoding,
fps, size)
The preceding method creates or appends to a video file in a manner that should be familiar from our earlier scripts (refer to the Reading/writing a video file section, earlier in this chapter). However, in situations where the frame rate is unknown, we skip some frames at the start of the capture session so that we have time to build up an estimate of the frame rate.
This concludes our implementation of CaptureManager. Although it relies on VideoCapture, we could make other implementations that do not use OpenCV for input. For example, we could make a subclass that is instantiated with a socket connection, whose byte stream could be parsed as a stream of images. Also, we could make a subclass that uses a third-party camera library with different hardware support than what OpenCV provides. However, for Cameo, our current implementation is sufficient.