In this chapter, you learned how to create, display, and analyze cell-based datasets. You performed a binary site selection analysis using the ArcMap application and Spatial Analyst extension. You also learnt how to derive different raster surfaces from an elevation raster, such as hillshade, slope, and aspect. Within the least-cost path analysis, you learnt how to convert vector data to raster data, and to reclassify two rasters, that is, store categorical data (Slope_Elev
raster layer) and continuous data (LandUse_Raster
raster layer).
In the second part of the chapter, you created 3D features and 3D surfaces. Using the 3D data, you built a 3D multipatch feature by extruding a 3D polygon feature between two TIN elevation surfaces.
In the next chapter, you will continue to work with the raster datasets, using the specialized tools of the Image Analysis toolbar for extracting information from aerial photography and satellite imagery.