Measuring temperature, humidity, and light and displaying data on an LCD
In this section, I will teach you how to monitor temperature, humidity, and light detection on an LCD screen.
Hardware and software requirements
In this project, you will use an Arduino UNO board; but you can also use an Arduino MEGA, which also works perfectly.
For temperature reading, we require a DHT11 sensor, a resistor of 4.7k, a photoresistor (light sensor), and a 10k resistor.
It also requires a 16 x 2 LCD screen, where you performed the tests; I used an I2C communication module for the screen interfaced with Arduino card. I recommend using this communication since only two pins of Arduino are required for sending data:
Finally, it requires a breadboard and male-male and female-male cables for connections.
Here is the list of components for the project:
Arduino UNO
Temperature and humidity sensor DHT11
LCD Screen 16 x 2
Module I2C for LCD
A breadboard
We connect the different components:
Here, we can see the image...