The limitations of SAST
While SAST can identify vulnerabilities early in the software development process, it can produce false positives and false negatives, has a limited scope, and is less effective against certain types of vulnerabilities. SAST should be used in combination with other security testing techniques to ensure that software applications are secure and resilient against security risks.
Here are some of the key limitations of SAST:
- False positives: SAST tools can produce false positives, which are security vulnerabilities that are reported by the tool but do not exist in the code. False positives can be time-consuming to remediate as they require additional analysis and can take resources away from more critical vulnerabilities.
- False negatives: SAST tools may miss actual vulnerabilities, leading to a false sense of security.
- Limited context: SAST tools analyze application source code in isolation, without considering how the code interacts with other...