Licensing Cisco UCS Fabric Interconnect
Cisco UCS Fabric Interconnect comes with default port licenses that are factory installed. Additional licenses can be purchased during the initial procurement (these licenses will also be factory installed) or licenses can be purchased later after delivery.
Each Fabric Interconnect provides the following licenses preinstalled:
- Cisco UCS 6248: 12 unified ports enabled with preinstalled licenses. Expansion modules provide eight licenses, which can be utilized on the expansion module or the main Fabric Interconnect.
- Cisco UCS 6296: 18 unified ports enabled with preinstalled licenses. Expansion modules provide eight licenses, which can be utilized on the expansion module or the main Fabric Interconnect.
- Cisco UCS 6332: Eight ports enabled with preinstalled licenses. These eight ports can be broken into 8 x 4 = 32 10 G port licenses to connect with Cisco UCS chassis and upstream switches.
- Cisco UCS 6332-16UP: 12 ports enabled with preinstalled licenses. Expansion...