Different ways to deploy an AKS cluster
This chapter will introduce the graphical way to deploy your AKS cluster. There are, however, multiple ways to create your AKS cluster:
- Using the portal: The portal gives you a graphical way of deploying your cluster through a wizard. This is a great way to deploy your first cluster. For multiple deployments or automated deployments, one of the following methods is recommended.
- Using the Azure CLI: The Azure command-line interface (CLI) is a cross-platform CLI for managing Azure resources. This allows you to script your cluster deployment, which can be integrated into other scripts.
- User Azure PowerShell: Azure PowerShell is a set of PowerShell commands for managing Azure resources directly from PowerShell. It can also be used to create Kubernetes clusters.
- Using ARM templates: Azure Resource Manager (ARM) templates are an Azure-native infrastructure-as-code (IaC) language. They allow you to declaratively deploy your cluster...