What you need for this book
To complete all the exercises in this book, it's preferable to have access to four servers (virtual or physical) along with downloaded copies of the latest supported media versions of OpsMgr and SQL.
The four servers will be configured using the step-by-step examples discussed in Chapter 2, Installing System Center Operations Manager and will end up with the following roles:
- Server 1: SQL Server hosting the OpsMgr databases and Reporting Server role
- Server 2: OpsMgr RMS Emulator, Web and Operations console roles
- Server 3: OpsMgr Secondary Management Server and Operations console roles
- Server 4: OpsMgr Gateway Server role
If you're working through this book with limited server resources at your disposal, then for testing purposes, feel free to co-locate the roles from Servers 1 - 3 on a single server and then deploy the Gateway Server role on a second server.