The challenges
So, why have we been looking at extending the core Docker Engine? Here are a few scenarios that the tools we have covered in the previous chapters could be used to add value or resolve a potential problem.
Way back, at the start of Chapter 1, Introduction to Extending Docker, we saw the Worked fine in dev, Ops problem now meme and how it is worryingly still relevant today. Containers go a long way to resolve this issue; in fact, Docker is seen as a great unifier by a lot of people.
However, if developers do not have a way of easily introducing these tools into their day-to-day lives, then you are not resolving the issue raised by the meme.
The tools that could help developers start to use Docker locally as the first step of the development process are as follows:
Docker Toolbox
Docker Machine
Along with the recently announced, but currently in private beta, native versions of Docker for OS X and Windows, more details on this can be found in the announcement blog...