Testing the configurations
The platform developers require a way to test the XRs and configurations they develop. Also, many teams might be interested in practicing test-driven development. This section of the book will explore KUbernetes Test TooL (KUTTL) as the test tool for practicing test-driven development and configuration-testing pipelines. KUTTL is a declarative test tool that tests for the best Kubernetes controller states and CRDs. The critical feature of KUTTL is writing declarative test cases against the CR. Being able to work well with CRs and CRDs, KUTTL can also work well with XR, XRDs, and Claim. First, we will look at the basic installation and setup required.
Installing KUTTL
The KUTTL CLI is an extension to kubectl. To install KUTTL, we will first install Krew. This is a kubectl plugin manager that helps discover, install, and update kubectl plugins. To install on a macOS/Linux operating system, run the following script:
set -x; cd "$(mktemp...