- abstractions, common visual patterns
- creating / Creating abstractions of common visual patterns
- access input view
- about / Access
- actions
- about / Actions
- core action handlers code location / Code location
- plugin action handlers code location / Code location
- activity and notifications, social features / Activity and notifications
- activity stream
- about / Activity stream, Activity stream, Activity stream
- fucntions code location / Code location
- views / Activity stream
- developers / Activity stream
- add_translation() / Language support
- admin account
- creating / Creating the admin account
- administration
- about / Administration
- views / Administration
- developers / Administration
- themers / Administration
- administration, Event calendar plugin
- about / Administration
- administration, Tidypics
- about / Administration
- administration area, Elgg
- about / Administration
- dashboard / Administration
- configure section / Administration
- plugins, activating / Activating plugins
- site categories / Site categories
- custom profile fields / Custom profile fields
- default widgets / Default widgets
- site pages / Site pages
- reported content / Reported content
- advanced performance tuning
- caching / Caching
- multiple servers / Multiple servers
- resources / Resources
- Akismet
- URL / Detecting spammers
- AllowOverride
- about / Apache
- Apache / What is Elgg?
- about / Apache
- Apache wiki
- URL / Apache
- apc_sma_info() / Easy performance gains
- API Reference
- URL / Elgg developer resources
- about / Elgg developer resources
- API reference
- URL / Step 1: Create the plugin structure
- authentication
- about / Authentication
- avatar
- about / Avatar
- benchmarking
- about / Benchmarking
- monitoring and data collection / Monitoring and data collection
- stress testing / Stress testing
- blog
- URL / Developer resources
- blogging plugin / Plugins mentioned
- blog post
- creating / Creating a blog post
- files, embedding / Embedding photos and files
- photos, embedding / Embedding photos and files
- publishing / Publishing
- blogs
- about / Blogs, Blogs
- blog post, creating / Blogs, Creating a blog post
- features / Blogs
- blog post, publishing / Publishing
- viewing / Finding and viewing
- searching / Finding and viewing
- search box / Search
- blog posts list / Lists of blog posts
- RSS feeds / RSS feeds
- widget settings / Widget
- commenting / Commenting
- use cases / Use cases
- customizations / Customizations
- bookmarklet
- about / Bookmarklet
- bookmarks
- about / Bookmarks, Bookmarks
- features / Bookmarks
- adding / Adding a bookmark
- bookmarklet / Bookmarklet
- viewing / Viewing
- use cases / Use casesbookmarksuse cases
- breadcrumbs
- about / Breadcrumbs
- browser development tools
- about / Firebug and other browser development tools
- bugs, reporting
- about / Reporting bugs, Reporting the bug
- problem, reproducing / Steps to reproduce the problem
- bug tracker
- URL / Elgg developer resources
- about / Elgg developer resources
- bundled plugins
- about / Bundled plugins
- buttons input view
- about / Buttons
- buttons module
- about / CSS
- caching
- about / Caching, Caching
- browser caching / Caching
- proxy cache / Caching
- PHP opcode caching / Caching
- simple cache / Caching
- Elgg's query cache / Caching
- memcache / Caching
- MySQL's query cache / Caching
- caching, view system
- about / Caching
- Cacti
- URL / Tools
- captcha / Registration
- case studies, Elgg
- Niche social network / Niche social network
- corporate intranet / Corporate intranet
- educational collaboration / Educational collaboration
- checkboxes input view
- about / Checkboxes
- Chrome / Installing themes
- Class Table Inheritance pattern / Database
- cloud hosting
- about / Cloud hosting
- code
- editing / Editing code
- code location
- Apache rewrite rules / Code location
- primary handlers / Code location
- library fucntions / Code location
- core action handlers / Code location
- plugin action handlers / Code location
- core page handlers / Code location
- script-based page handling example / Code location
- function-based page handling example / Code location
- boot script / Code location
- functions / Code location
- core views / Code location
- coding standards and best practices
- URL / Elgg developer resources
- about / Elgg developer resources
- coming_soon plugin
- plugin structure, creating / Step 1: Create the plugin structure
- index page, creating / Step 2: Create the index page
- views, defining / Step 3: Define the views
- CSS, adding / Step 4: Add the CSS
- plugin setting, adding / Step 5: Add a plugin setting
- exercise / Exercise
- commenting, Elgg engine
- about / Commenting
- comments
- about / Comments
- commercial theme designer
- evaluating / Commercial themes
- commercial themes
- about / Commercial themes
- communication, social features / Communication
- community forums
- URL / Elgg developer resources
- about / Elgg developer resources
- community plugin repository
- browsing, for plugins / Browsing the repository
- URL / Major community plugins
- community plugins
- about / Major community plugins
- Tidypics / Tidypics
- Event calendar / Event calendar
- Profile Manager plugin / Profile Manager
- components
- about / Components
- gallery pattern / Gallery
- image block pattern / Image block
- lists / List
- module / Module
- components, default theme
- JavaScript / JavaScript
- graphics / Graphics
- components module
- about / CSS
- configuration
- about / Configuration
- content, adding to page
- problem / Problem
- solution / Solution
- example / Example
- view, searching for extending / Step 1: Find the view to extend
- tips / Step 4: Make the tips random
- content, Hello, World plugin
- personalizing / Personalizing the content
- organizing, into views / Organizing your content into views
- organizing, into greeting view / A greeting view
- organizing, into stats view / A stats view
- content sharing, social features / Content sharing
- content sharing tools, Elgg
- blogs / Blogs, Blogs
- bookmarks / Bookmarks, Bookmarks
- file / Files, File
- groups / Groups
- pages / Pages
- messages / Messages
- The Wire / The wire, The wire
- controllers, MVC pattern
- Front Controller pattern / Controllers
- about / Controllers
- core language file code location / Code location
- core module
- about / CSS
- corporate intranet case study
- about / Corporate intranet
- site, building / Designing and building the site
- site, designing / Designing and building the site
- site, deploying / Deploying the site
- profile manager plugin / Plugins mentioned
- MediaWiki integration plugin / Plugins mentioned
- LDAP plugin / Plugins mentioned
- Cron
- about / Cron
- crontab / Cron
- Cross Site Request Forgeries (CSRF) / The form
- CSS / What you need to know
- adding / Step 4: Add CSS
- about / CSS
- core views / CSS
- theme modules / CSS
- adding, to theming system / Adding external JavaScript and CSS
- CSS, mobile theme
- about / CSS
- css/elgg view
- about / CSS, Plugin structure
- CSS framework
- about / CSS framework
- visual patterns abstractions, creating / Creating abstractions of common visual patterns
- objects, customizing through extension classes / Customizing objects through extension classes
- CSS objects
- customizing, through extension classes / Customizing objects through extension classes
- customizations, blogs
- about / Customizations
- customizations, file
- about / Customizations
- customizations, groups
- group categories / Customizations
- group widgets / Customizations
- group administrators / Customizations
- group moderation / Customizations
- communities, renaming / Customizations
- customizations, message board
- wall-to-wall / Customizations
- guest book / Customizations
- customizations, messages tool
- limit to friends / Customizations
- send email to groups / Customizations
- customizations, pages
- about / Customizations
- customizations, The Wire
- about / Customizations
- custom logo plugin
- plugin structure, creating / Step 2: Create the plugin structure
- logo view, editing / Step 3: Edit the logo view
- header, styling / Step 4: Style the header
- exercise / Exercise
- custom plugins
- building / Building your own plugins
- about / Custom plugins
- custom profile fields
- about / Custom profile fields
- custom themes
- about / Custom themes
- custom widget
- creating / Lesson 5: Creating a custom widget
- problem / Problem
- solution / Solution
- example / Example
- daily tasks
- about / Daily tasks
- user registration, monitoring / Monitoring user registration
- reported content, reviewing / Reviewing reported content
- feedback, responding / Responding to feedback
- community management / Community management
- data, collecting/storing
- problem / Problem
- solution / Solution
- example / Example
- overview / Overview
- database
- about / Database
- data collection
- about / Data
- tools / Tools
- data model
- about / Data model
- entities / Entities
- relationships / Relationships
- extenders / Extenders
- retrieval functions / Retrieval functions
- code location / Code location
- date input view
- about / Date
- input/date / Date
- date output view
- about / Date
- debugging
- about / Debugging, Debugging and logging
- log files / Debugging to the log
- screen / Debugging to the screen
- PHP, through IDE / Debugging PHP through an IDE
- Firebug / Firebug and other browser development tools
- browser development tools / Firebug and other browser development tools
- Elgg developer tools / Elgg developer tools
- dedicated server
- about / Dedicated server
- default layout
- about / Default layout
- default page shell
- about / HTML
- default theme
- about / Elgg's default theme
- components / Elgg's default theme
- default viewtype
- about / The viewtype
- default widgets
- about / Default widgets
- developer resources
- about / Developer resources
- Developer Settings page
- caching, disabling / Configuring your site
- display of fatal errors, enabling / Configuring your site
- trace level, setting to warning / Configuring your site
- Developers plugin / Configuring your site
- development environment
- setting up / Setting up your development environment
- code, editing / Editing code
- site, configuring / Configuring your site
- diagnostics plugin
- about / Unit tests
- discussion forum, groups
- about / Discussion forum
- topic, adding / Discussion forum
- display_error setting / PHP
- DomainKeys / E-mail
- drop-down selector input view
- about / Drop-down selector
- input/dropdown / Drop-down selector
- Drupal / Communication
- .elgg-module-aside class / Step 3: Build our view
- .elgg-module-features class / Components
- .elgg-module class / Step 3: Build our view, Components
- E-mail
- about / E-mail
- e-mail output view
- about / E-mail address
- output/email / E-mail address
- Eclipse
- URL / Editing code
- educational collaboration case study / Educational collaboration
- site, building / Designing and building the site
- site, designing / Designing and building the site
- site, deploying / Deploying the site
- groups plugin / Plugins mentioned
- pages plugin / Plugins mentioned
- blog plugin / Plugins mentioned
- profile plugin / Plugins mentioned
- bookmarks plugin / Plugins mentioned
- wire plugin / Plugins mentioned
- user importer plugin / Plugins mentioned
- elements
- about / Elements
- topbar / Topbar
- header / Header
- sidebar / Sidebar
- footer / Footer
- owner block / Owner block
- status messages / Status messages
- comments / Comments
- search box / Search box
- Elgg
- about / What is Elgg?, What is Elgg?
- features / What is Elgg?, Object-oriented or procedural?, Does it use the Model-View-Controller pattern?
- bundled plugins / Bundled plugins
- third-party plugins / Third-party plugins
- theme / Themes
- custom plugins, building / Building your own plugins
- case studies / Case studies
- warnings / A few words of advice, Take notes
- configuing / Configure Elgg
- groups tool / Groups
- pages tool / Pages
- messages tool / Messages
- message board / Message board
- plugin administration / Plugin administration
- themes / Themes
- Hello, World plugin / Hello, World!
- key components / Review
- debugging / Debugging
- language system / Lesson 1: Changing wording
- theming system / Theming basics
- object-oriented / Object-oriented or procedural?
- procedural / Object-oriented or procedural?
- Model-View-Controller pattern / Does it use the Model-View-Controller pattern?
- convention, using / Convention or configuration?
- configuration, using / Convention or configuration?
- extensibility / Is it extensible?
- template engine / What template engine is used?
- elgg-body class
- about / Page body layout
- elgg-module-aside class / Styling the sidebar module
- elgg-module-featured class / Customizing objects through extension classes
- elgg-module-popup class / Customizing objects through extension classes
- elgg-page-body div
- about / HTML
- elgg.provide() function
- about / JavaScript
- elgg.register_hook_handler
- about / JavaScript
- ElggAnnotation class / Extenders
- Elgg blog
- URL / Elgg developer resources, Add a sidebar menu
- about / Elgg developer resources
- Elgg cheatsheet
- URL / Elgg developer resources
- Elgg community
- URL / Elgg community
- about / Elgg community
- Elgg community site
- URL / Moving a site, Plugins
- Elgg Developer Resources
- about / Elgg developer resources
- Wiki documentation / Elgg developer resources
- API Reference / Elgg developer resources
- coding standards and best practices / Elgg developer resources
- Google Group for developers / Elgg developer resources
- community forums / Elgg developer resources
- IRC channel / Elgg developer resources
- Elgg blog / Elgg developer resources
- Bug tracker / Elgg developer resources
- Elgg developer tools
- about / Elgg developer tools
- inspect tool / Inspect
- inspect tool, using / Inspect
- theming sandbox / Theming sandbox
- Elgg development terms
- authentication / Authentication
- caching / Caching
- configuration / Configuration
- logging / Debugging and logging
- debugging / Debugging and logging
- JavaScript / JavaScript
- menus / Menus
- private settings / Private settings
- search / Search
- security / Security
- session handling / Session handling
- unit tests / Unit tests
- web services / Web services
- widgets / Widgets
- Elgg engine
- about / The Elgg engine
- user management / User management
- privacy controls / Privacy controls
- theming / Theming
- commenting / Commenting
- tagging / Tagging
- widgets / Widgets
- internationalization / Internationalization
- feeds / Feeds
- web services / Web services
- ElggEntity
- about / Entities
- Elgg events
- about / Elgg events
- ElggExtender class / Extenders
- Elgg Github account
- about / Elgg developer resources
- URL / Elgg developer resources
- ElggGroup
- about / Entities
- Elgg installation
- server, preparing / Preparing the server
- installer, running / Run Elgg's installer
- Elgg installer
- running / Run Elgg's installer
- troubleshooting, installing / Run Elgg's installer
- database, loading / Loading the database
- Elgg, configuing / Configure Elgg
- admin account, creating / Creating the admin account
- Elgg IRC channel
- URL / Developer resources
- ElggMenuItem object / Add to the site menu, Add a sidebar menu, Registering a menu item
- ElggMetadata class / Extenders
- ElggObject
- about / Entities
- ElggRelationship class / Relationships
- Elgg resources
- about / Elgg resources
- Elgg community / Elgg community
- Elgg wiki / Elgg wiki
- developer resources / Developer resources
- Elgg site
- testing / Getting around, Testing
- toolbar / Getting around
- header / Getting around
- content area / Getting around
- sidebar / Getting around
- footer / Getting around
- users, registering / Registering users
- avatars / User profiles and avatars
- user profiles / User profiles and avatars
- friends, adding / Friends
- activity stream / Activity stream
- content sharing tools / Tools
- user settings / User settings
- administration area / Administration
- customizing / Customizing your site
- authentication / User registration and authentication
- user registration / User registration and authentication
- widgets / Widgets
- friendship model / Friendship model
- roles / Roles
- help and support / Help and support
- upgrading / Upgrading
- moving / Moving a site
- ElggSite
- about / Entities
- Elgg site, testing
- about / Testing
- production site, mirroring / Mirroring the production site
- test plan / Test plan
- elgg space
- about / JavaScript
- Elgg theming system
- about / Theming basics
- default theme / Elgg's default theme
- view system / Views system
- CSS framework / CSS framework
- CSS, adding / Adding external JavaScript and CSS
- external JavaScript, adding / Adding external JavaScript and CSS
- menu system / Menu system
- ElggUser
- about / Entities
- ElggUser class / Authentication
- Elgg wiki
- about / Elgg wiki
- URL / Elgg wiki, Troubleshooting, Apache
- elgg_echo() function
- about / Language support
- elgg_get_all_plugin_user_settings() / Step 2: Add user settings, Step 3: Create the toolbar view
- elgg_get_entities / A stats view
- elgg_get_entities()
- about / Retrieval functions
- elgg_get_entities() functions
- elgg_get_entities_from_metadata() / Retrieval functions
- elgg_get_entities_from_annotations() / Retrieval functions
- elgg_get_entities_from_relationship() / Retrieval functions
- elgg_load_css() function / Adding external JavaScript and CSS
- elgg_load_js() function / Step 2: Load the JavaScript file, Adding external JavaScript and CSS
- elgg_normalize_url() function / Step 3: Add CSS and JavaScript initialization
- elgg_push_breadcrumb() / Breadcrumbs
- elgg_register_css() function / Adding external JavaScript and CSS
- elgg_register_event_handler() function / Register for the init, system event
- elgg_register_js() function / Step 2: Load the JavaScript file
- elgg_register_menu_item() / Add a sidebar menu
- elgg_register_menu_item() function / Registering a menu item
- elgg_register_page_handler() function
- adding / Adding a new route
- elgg_register_widget_type() / Step 1: Create the plugin structure
- elgg_send_email() / Step 3: Write the function that sends the e-mail
- elgg_view() / View templates
- elgg_view function / Step 3: Build our view
- elgg_view_entity_icon() / Personalizing the content
- elgg_view_form() function / The form
- elgg_view_image_block() / Image block
- elgg_view_layout() / Creating a web page, Step 2: Create the index page
- elgg_view_layout() function / Page shells and layout
- elgg_view_menu() function / Rendering a menu, Moving the site menu to the topbar
- elgg_view_module() / Step 3: Build our view, Module
- elgg_view_page() / Creating a web page
- about / Shells
- elgg_view_page() function / Page shells and layout
- embed plugin / Embedding photos and files
- entities
- about / Entities
- type and subtype attributes / Type and subtype
- owner / Owner
- container / Container
- access / Access
- database / Database
- Entity Attribute Value model / Database
- entity menu
- about / Entity menu
- view / Entity menu
- developers / Entity menu
- error_log setting / PHP
- error_reporting / PHP
- Event calendar plugin
- about / Event calendar
- plugin profile / Plugin profile
- features / Plugin profile
- administration / Administration
- site calendar / Site calendar
- group calendar / Group calendar
- events
- about / Review
- event system
- about / Lesson 4: Doing something when X happens
- external JavaScript
- adding, to theming system / Adding external JavaScript and CSS
- favorite_color / Extenders
- feedback
- about / Help and support
- feeds, Elgg engine
- about / Feeds
- file
- about / Files, File
- features / File
- uploading / Uploading a file
- viewing / Viewing
- use cases / Use cases
- customizations / Customizations
- file sharing plugin / Plugins mentioned
- file upload view
- about / File upload
- input/file / File upload
- Filezilla
- URL / Moving files to your web server directory
- filtering, plugin administration
- about / Filtering and sorting
- Firebug
- URL / Firebug and other browser development tools
- about / Firebug and other browser development tools
- Firefox / Installing themes
- footer
- about / Footer
- footer menu
- about / Footer menu
- view / Footer menu
- form directory
- about / HTML
- forms
- about / Forms
- input views / Input
- output view / Output
- elgg_view_form() / The form
- forms module
- about / CSS
- framework booting
- about / Framework booting
- boot script code location / Code location
- Freenode
- URL / Developer resources
- free open source software (FOSS) / What is Elgg?
- free themes
- about / Free themes
- friends
- adding / Friends
- about / Friends
- friendship model
- reciprocal friendships / Friendship model
- confirmation / Friendship model
- friends, renaming / Friendship model
- friendspicker
- about / User pickers
- Front Controller pattern
- about / Controllers
- gallery pattern
- about / Gallery
- view / Gallery
- developers / Gallery
- theme / Gallery
- Github
- URL / Developer resources
- Github site
- URL / Plugins
- Google group
- URL / Developer resources
- Google Group for developers
- about / Elgg developer resources
- URL / Elgg developer resources
- graphics
- about / Graphics
- greeting view
- about / A greeting view
- grid module
- about / CSS
- group blog
- about / Group tools
- group calendar, Event calendar plugin
- about / Group calendar
- group membership
- about / Membership
- e-mail invitations / Membership
- Request membership button / Membership
- Join group button / Membership
- group pages
- about / Group tools
- groups
- about / Groups, Users, groups, and objects
- closed group / Creating a group
- searching / Finding groups
- groups, social features / Groups
- groups plugin / Plugins mentioned
- about / Groups
- features / Groups
- group, creating / Creating a group
- group profile page / Group profile
- membership / Membership
- discussion forum / Discussion forum
- group tools / Group tools
- groups, searching / Finding groups
- use cases / Use cases
- customizations / Customizations
- groups tool
- about / Groups
- group tools
- about / Group tools
- GUI-based tools / Tools
- guidelines
- server selection / General guidelines for server selection
- .htaccess file
- about / Apache
- handlers
- about / Controllers
- header
- styling / Step 4: Style the header
- about / Header
- Hello, World plugin
- about / Hello, World!
- plugin skeleton, setting up / Plugin skeleton
- plugin directory, creating / Create your plugin directory
- manifest.xml file, plugin skeleton / Plugin manifest
- activating / Activating the hello world plugin
- init/system event, registering / Register for the init, system event
- new route, adding / Adding a new route
- web page, creating / Creating a web page
- routing, updating / Update routing
- site menu, adding / Add to the site menu
- page handler, extending / Extending the page handler
- sidebar menu, adding / Add a sidebar menu
- language support / Language support
- content, personalizing / Personalizing the content
- content, organizing into views / Organizing your content into views
- content, organizing into greeting view / A greeting view
- content, organizing into stats view / A stats view
- review / Review
- hello_page_handler() function
- adding / Adding a new route
- hello_world_init() function / Register for the init, system event
- helpers module
- about / CSS
- help pages
- about / Help and support
- help plugin
- plugin structure, creating / Step 1: Create the plugin structure
- main help page, creating / Step 2: Create the main help page
- categories, creating / Step 3: Create the categories
- administration page, adding / Step 4: Add an administration page
- form body, creating / Step 5: Create the form body
- save action, creating / Step 6: Create the save action
- help category page, creating / Step 7: Create the help category page
- help object view, creating / Step 8: Create the help object view
- help sidebar, adding / Step 9: Add the help sidebar
- CSS, adding / Step 10: Add CSS for the topic listing page
- main help page, completing / Step 11: Finish the main help page
- exercise / Exercise
- hidden input view
- about / Hidden input
- input/hidden / Hidden input
- history link / Viewing, Message board
- honeypot captchas / Registration
- hosting company selection
- about / Hosting company selection
- hosting options, server selection
- shared hosting / Shared hosting
- VPS / Virtual Private Server
- dedicated server / Dedicated server
- cloud hosting / Cloud hosting
- hosting company selection / Hosting company selection
- HTML / What you need to know
- about / HTML
- characteristics / HTML
- structure / HTML
- page shell / HTML
- flexibility, increasing / HTML
- view directories / HTML
- htmlawed plugin
- about / Security
- httperf
- URL / Tools
- human spammers / Registration
- icons module
- about / CSS
- about / Editing code
- features / Editing code
- IDE features
- syntax checking / Editing code
- code navigation / Editing code
- code completion / Editing code
- documentation hints / Editing code
- auto formatting / Editing code
- debugging / Editing code
- image block pattern
- about / Image block
- view / Image block
- developers / Image block
- themers / Image block
- inbox, messages tool
- about / Inbox
- init/system event
- registering / Register for the init, system event
- about / Register for the init, system event
- input/friendspicker view
- about / User pickers
- input directory
- about / HTML
- input views
- about / Input
- access / Access
- buttons / Buttons
- checkboxes / Checkboxes
- date / Date
- drop-down selector / Drop-down selector
- file upload view / File upload
- hidden input / Hidden input
- large textarea element / Large textarea
- password fields / Password
- radio buttons / Radio buttons
- textbox input views / Textbox
- user pickers / User pickers
- inspect tool
- about / Inspect
- using / Inspect
- installation
- plugins / Installing plugins
- themes / Installing themes
- internationalization
- about / Internationalization and localization
- internationalization, Elgg engine
- about / Internationalization
- Internet Explorer (IE) / Installing themes
- Internet Information Services (IIS)
- about / Apache
- IP blacklist / Registration
- IRC channel
- about / Elgg developer resources
- JavaScript / What you need to know
- about / JavaScript, JavaScript
- JavaScript, adding
- problem / Problem
- solution / Solution
- example / Example
- js/initialize_elgg view
- about / JavaScript
- js/lightbox view / Adding external JavaScript and CSS
- Kaltura collaborative video plugin / Plugins mentioned
- Keetup development team
- URL / Elgg developer resources
- key components, Elgg
- events / Review
- page handling / Review
- views / Review
- multi-lingual support / Review
- LAMP stack / What is Elgg?
- language strings
- searching / Step 2: Find the language strings
- overriding / Step 3: Override the language string
- language support, Hello, World plugin
- about / Language support
- large textarea element
- about / Large textarea
- latency / Data
- layout
- about / Page shells and layout
- layout, mobile theme
- about / Layout
- layout, theme
- about / Layout
- default layout / Default layout
- page header / Page header
- page body layout / Page body layout
- page footer / Page footer
- layout module
- about / CSS
- layout view
- about / HTML
- LDAP plugin / Designing and building the site, Plugins mentioned
- lighttpd
- about / Apache
- like system
- about / Likes
- like this button / Like this
- users, listing / List users
- views / List users
- themers / List users
- link output views
- about / Link
- output/url / Link
- output/confirmlink / Link
- Linux / What is Elgg?
- lists
- about / List
- view / List
- developers / List
- themers / List
- localization
- about / Internationalization and localization
- log
- debugging / Debugging to the log
- logbrowser
- about / Debugging and logging
- logging
- about / Debugging and logging
- logo view
- editing / Step 3: Edit the logo view
- logrotate
- about / Debugging and logging
- log rotation
- about / Log rotation
- long text view
- input/longtext / Large textarea
- input/plaintext / Large textarea
- Mail Transfer Agent (MTA) / E-mail
- Make featured link / Finding groups
- manifest.xml file
- about / Plugin manifest
- MediaWiki / Corporate intranet
- MediaWiki integration plugin / Plugins mentioned
- menu
- rendering / Rendering a menu
- menu item
- registering / Registering a menu item
- menus
- about / Menus, Menus
- topbar menu / Topbar menu
- site menu / Site menu
- page menu / Page menu
- footer menu / Footer menu
- user hover menu / User hover menu
- entity menu / Entity menu
- menu system
- about / Menu system
- menu item, registering / Registering a menu item
- menu, rendering / Rendering a menu
- message board
- about / Message board
- View all link / Message board
- reply link / Message board
- history link / Message board
- customizations / Customizations
- messages
- about / Messages
- messages plugin
- about / Notifications
- messages tool
- about / Messages
- inbox / Inbox
- composing / Composing
- customizations / Customizations
- misc module
- about / CSS
- mobile CSS view
- about / CSS
- mobile theme
- creating / Creating a mobile theme
- plugin structure / Plugin structure
- layout / Layout
- mobile viewtype
- about / The viewtype
- mobile_theme_set_viewtype() function / Plugin structure
- model, MVC pattern
- about / Model
- Model-View-Controller (MVC) pattern, Elgg
- about / Does it use the Model-View-Controller pattern?, A Model-View-Controller perspective of Elgg
- overview / Overview
- controllers / Controllers
- model / Model
- views / Views
- module
- about / Module
- view / Module
- developers / Module
- themers / Module
- mod_rewrite
- about / Apache
- more info link
- about / Plugin dependencies
- MP3 player plugin / Plugins mentioned
- multi-lingual support
- about / Review
- multiple servers
- about / Multiple servers
- Munin / Tools
- MySQL / What is Elgg?
- about / MySQL
- MySQL database / Create the database
- MySQL reference
- navigation
- about / Navigation
- breadcrumbs / Breadcrumbs
- pagination / Pagination
- menus / Menus
- tabs / Tabs
- navigation/menu/site view
- overriding / Moving the site menu to the topbar
- navigational module
- about / CSS
- navigation directory
- about / HTML
- NetBeans
- URL / Editing code
- new route, Hello, World plugin
- adding / Adding a new route
- new_user_signup plugin
- plugin structure, creating / Step 2: Create the plugin structure
- exercise / Exercise
- new_user_signup_notify() function / Step 2: Create the plugin structure
- nginx
- about / Apache
- Niche social network case study
- about / Niche social network
- site, building / Designing and building the site
- site, designing / Designing and building the site
- site, deploying / Deploying the site
- plugins / Plugins mentioned
- Ning / Communication
- notifications
- about / Notifications
- fucntions code location / Code location
- notification settings
- about / Notifications
- OAuth API plugin / Twitter integration
- object directory
- about / HTML
- Object Oriented CSS Framework / Components
- objects
- about / Users, groups, and objects
- one_column layout / Update routing
- one_sidebar layout / Update routing
- OOCSS framework
- URL / CSS framework
- opcode cache / Easy performance gains
- Open Web Analytics
- about / Web analytics
- output directory
- about / HTML
- output views
- date output view / Date
- e-mail output view / E-mail address
- link / Link
- tag cloud view / Tag cloud
- tags view / Tags
- text output views / Text
- overview, MVC pattern
- about / A Model-View-Controller perspective of Elgg
- page/layouts/one_sidebar view / Layout
- page body layout
- about / Page body layout
- page elements
- about / HTML, Elements
- page footer, layout
- about / Page footer
- page handler
- about / Adding a new route
- page handler, Hello, World plugin
- extending / Extending the page handler
- page handlers
- about / Page handlers
- core page handlers code location / Code location
- example of script-based page handling code location / Code location
- example of function-based page handling code location / Code location
- page handling
- about / Review
- page header, layout
- about / Page header
- page layouts
- about / Layouts
- page menu
- about / Page menu
- view / Page menu
- pages
- about / Pages
- creating / Creating pages
- viewing / Viewing
- use cases / Use cases
- customizations / Customizations
- page section, modifying
- about / Lesson 2: Modifying a section of a page
- problem / Problem
- solution / Solution
- example / Example
- view, searching for overriding / Step 1: Find the view to override
- page shell
- about / HTML, Shells
- page shells
- about / Page shells and layout
- views / Shells
- developers / Shells
- themers / Shells
- pages plugin
- features / Pages
- about / Pages
- pages tool
- about / Pages
- page structure
- about / Page structure
- shells / Shells
- layouts / Layouts
- elements / Elements
- components / Components
- page views
- about / Page structure
- pagination
- about / Pagination
- password fields
- about / Password
- performance
- benchmarking / Benchmarking
- easy performance gains / Easy performance gains
- advanced performance scaling / Advanced performance tuning and scaling
- advanced performance tuning / Advanced performance tuning and scaling
- performance considerations, server
- about / Performance considerations
- resources, competing for / Competing for resources
- usage patterns / Usage patterns
- photos
- uploading, on Tidypics / Uploading photos
- viewing, on Tidypics / Viewing photos
- tagging, on Tidypics / Tagging photos
- photos and files
- embedding, in blog post / Embedding photos and files
- PHP / What is Elgg?, What you need to know
- working, with web server / What you need to know
- debugging, through IDE / Debugging PHP through an IDE
- about / PHP
- about / PHP
- php.ini file / PHP
- PHP logging / PHP
- phpMyAdmin tool / Create the database
- PHP parameters
- PHP site
- Piwik
- about / Web analytics
- Plain Old Semantic HTML or POSH
- about / HTML
- pluggable authentication modules (PAM) / Authentication
- plugin administration
- about / Plugin administration
- filtering / Filtering and sorting
- sorting / Filtering and sorting
- plugin dependencies / Plugin dependencies
- plugin settings / Plugin settings
- plugin dependencies
- about / Plugin dependencies
- Plugin hooks
- about / Plugin hooks
- plugin hooks
- using / Lesson 8: Changing how Elgg does X
- URL / Example
- plugin hooks usage
- problem / Problem
- solution / Solution
- example / Example
- plugin language files code location / Code location
- plugin profile, Event calendar plugin
- about / Plugin profile
- plugin profile, Profile Manager plugin
- about / Plugin profile
- plugin profile, Tidypics
- about / Plugin profile
- plugins
- activating / Activating plugins
- searching / Finding plugins, Searching
- searching, in community plugin repository / Browsing the repository
- evaluating, before downloading / Evaluating before downloading
- custom plugins / Custom plugins
- installing / Installing plugins
- about / Plugins
- initializing / Initialization
- plugin order / Plugin order
- conventions / Conventions
- plugins, evaluating before downloading
- plugin overview / Look at the plugin overview
- comments, reading / Read the comments
- history, checking / Check the history
- plugin settings
- about / Plugin settings
- plugin settings, Profile Manager plugin
- about / Plugin settings
- plugins installation
- about / Installing plugins
- testing, on test server / Test server
- code, copying / Copying the code
- configuring / Activating and configuring
- activating / Activating and configuring
- troubleshooting / Troubleshooting
- plugin skeleton, Hello, World plugin
- setting up / Plugin skeleton
- plugin directory, creating / Create your plugin directory
- manifest.xml file / Plugin manifest
- start script / Start script
- plugin structure, custom logo
- creating / Step 2: Create the plugin structure
- plugin structure, mobile theme
- about / Plugin structure
- plugin structure, new_user_signup plugin
- creating / Step 2: Create the plugin structure
- plugin structure, sidebar_tip plugin
- creating / Step 2: Create the plugin structure
- plugin structure, theme
- about / Plugin structure
- plugin structure, tooltips plugin
- creating / Step 1: Create the plugin structure
- plugin structure, user_defined_toolbar plugin
- creating / Step 1: Create the plugin structure
- plugin structure, welcome_widget plugin
- creating / Step 1: Create the plugin structure
- Postfix / E-mail
- primary handlers
- location / Controllers
- primary page shell
- about / HTML
- privacy controls, Elgg engine
- about / Privacy controls
- private settings
- about / Private settings
- production environment, Elgg
- server, selecting / Selecting a server
- server, configuring / Configuring a server
- site, managing / Managing the site
- site, testing / Testing, upgrading, and moving a site
- site, upgrading / Upgrading
- site, moving / Moving a site
- performance / Performance
- bugs, reporting / Reporting bugs
- profile fields, Profile Manager plugin
- adding / Adding profile fields
- configuring / Configuring the profile fields
- profile icon
- about / Avatar
- profile manager plugin / Plugins mentioned
- Profile Manager plugin
- about / Profile Manager
- plugin profile / Plugin profile
- features / Plugin profile
- profile fields, adding / Adding profile fields
- profile fields, configuring / Configuring the profile fields
- plugin settings / Plugin settings
- profiles
- about / User profiles and avatars
- information, adding / Profile information
- avatar / Avatar
- profile widgets / Profile widgets
- profiles, social features / Profiles
- profile widgets
- about / Profile widgets
- radio buttons input view
- about / Radio buttons
- input/radio / Radio buttons
- relationships, social features / Relationships
- reply link / Message board
- reported content
- about / Reported content
- requirements, Elgg
- checking / Checking requirements
- reset module
- about / CSS
- resources
- about / Resources
- resources, server selection
- competing for / Competing for resources
- network bandwidth / Competing for resources
- processing power / Competing for resources
- memory / Competing for resources
- file I/O / Competing for resources
- disk space / Competing for resources
- REST/RPC hybrid web services API
- about / Web services
- river directory
- about / HTML
- roles
- about / Roles
- routing
- about / Routing
- Apache rewrite rules code location / Code location
- primary handlers code location / Code location
- library functions code location / Code location
- routing, Hello, World plugin
- updating / Update routing
- RRDtool / Tools
- about / RSS feeds
- RSS feed plugin / Plugins mentioned
- RSS feeds, blogs
- about / RSS feeds
- rss viewtype
- about / The viewtype
- Safari / Installing themes
- screen
- debugging / Debugging to the screen
- search
- about / Search
- search/css view
- about / Moving the search box
- search box
- moving / Moving the search box
- about / Search box
- search box, blogs
- about / Search
- searching through files / Editing code
- security
- about / Security
- SenderID / E-mail
- Sender Policy Framework (SPF) / E-mail
- Sendmail / E-mail
- server
- configuring / Configuring the server, Configuring a server
- selecting / Selecting a server
- server categories
- local server / Preparing the server
- web hosting provider / Preparing the server
- home computer / Preparing the server
- server configuration
- engine directory permissions, setting / Configuring the server
- root, setting / Configuring the server
- data directory, creating / Configuring the server
- data directory permissions, setting / Configuring the server
- about / Configuring a server
- Apache / Apache
- Cron / Cron
- E-mail / E-mail
- server preparation, Elgg installation
- preparing / Preparing the server
- requirements, checking / Checking requirements
- latest version, downloading / Downloading the latest version
- files, extracting / Extracting the files
- files, moving to web server directory / Moving files to your web server directory
- server, configuring / Configuring the server
- database, creating / Create the database
- server selection
- performance considerations / Performance considerations
- guidelines / General guidelines for server selection
- hosting options / Hosting options
- session handling
- about / Session handling
- shared hosting
- about / Shared hosting
- Sharepoint / Corporate intranet
- sidebar
- about / Sidebar
- sidebar menu, Hello, World plugin
- adding / Add a sidebar menu
- sidebar module
- styling / Styling the sidebar module
- sidebar_tip plugin
- plugin structure, creating / Step 2: Create the plugin structure
- view, building / Step 3: Build our view
- exercise / Exercise
- Siege
- URL / Tools
- site
- configuring / Configuring your site
- managing / Managing the site
- site backup
- code / Code
- database / Database
- files / Files
- server configuration / Server configuration
- restoring / Restoring
- site calendar, Event calendar plugin
- about / Site calendar
- site categories
- about / Site categories
- site management
- about / Managing the site
- backup / Backup
- log rotation / Log rotation
- spam / Spam
- web analytics / Web analytics
- daily tasks / Daily tasks
- site menu
- moving, to topbar / Moving the site menu to the topbar
- about / Site menu
- view / Site menu
- site menu, Hello, World plugin
- adding / Add to the site menu
- site pages
- about / Site pages
- social features
- about / Social features
- profiles / Profiles
- relationships / Relationships
- content sharing / Content sharing
- activity and notifications / Activity and notifications
- groups / Groups
- communication / Communication
- sorting, plugin administration
- about / Filtering and sorting
- spam
- about / Spam
- registration / Registration
- mers, detecting / Detecting spammers
- spambots / Registration
- Spam Login Filter
- URL / Registration
- spammers
- detecting / Detecting spammers
- special views
- about / Special views
- plugin settings / Special views
- user settings / Special views
- widget settings / Special views
- widget content / Special views
- sprintf() / Personalizing the content
- start.php, Hello, World plugin
- about / Start script
- stats view
- about / A stats view
- status messages
- about / Status messages
- Stop Forum Spam service / Registration
- stress testing
- about / Stress testing
- data / Data
- tools / Tools
- structural layouts
- about / Layouts
- subtype attribute
- about / Type and subtype
- syntax highlighting / Editing code
- tabbed navigation
- about / Tabs
- view / Tabs
- developers / Tabs
- themers / Tabs
- tag cloud view
- about / Tag cloud
- tagcloud/extend / Tag cloud
- output/tagcloud / Tag cloud
- tagging, Elgg engine
- about / Tagging
- tags view
- about / Tags
- template engine
- using / What template engine is used?
- template language, view system
- about / Template language
- test plan, blog upgrade
- about / Test plan
- textbox input views
- about / Textbox
- types / Textbox
- input/text / Textbox
- input/email / Textbox
- input/location / Textbox
- input/tags / Textbox
- input/url / Textbox
- text output views
- about / Text
- output/longtext / Text
- output/text / Text
- Textpad++ / Editing code
- TextWrangler / Editing code
- theme, building
- about / Building a theme
- plugin structure / Plugin structure
- layout / Layout
- search box, moving / Moving the search box
- sidebar module, styling / Styling the sidebar module
- site menu, moving to topbar / Moving the site menu to the topbar
- theme modules, CSS
- buttons / CSS
- components / CSS
- core / CSS
- forms / CSS
- grid / CSS
- helpers / CSS
- icons / CSS
- layout / CSS
- misc / CSS
- modules / CSS
- navigational / CSS
- reset / CSS
- typography / CSS
- themers
- about / Topbar
- themes
- about / Themes, Themes, Themes
- installing / Finding and installing themes, Installing themes
- searching / Finding and installing themes
- free themes / Free themes
- commercial theme / Commercial themes
- custom themes / Custom themes
- CSS views code location / Code location
- theming
- about / What you need to know
- comparing, in WordPress to Elgg / Comparing theming in WordPress to Elgg
- theming, Elgg engine
- about / Theming
- theming sandbox
- about / Theming sandbox
- theming system, Elgg
- about / Theming basics
- The Wire
- about / The wire, The wire
- features / The wire
- posting / Posting
- viewing / Viewing
- Twitter integration / Twitter integration
- use cases / Use cases
- customizations / Customizations
- third-party plugins
- about / Third-party plugins
- throughput / Data
- Tidypics
- about / Tidypics
- plugin profile / Plugin profile
- features / Plugin profile
- administration / Administration
- photos, uploading / Uploading photos
- photos, viewing / Viewing photos
- slideshow link / Viewing photos
- photos, tagging / Tagging photos
- Tidypics photo gallery plugin / Plugins mentioned
- TinyMCE plugin / Blogs
- toolbar view
- creating / Step 3: Create the toolbar view
- tools, view system
- about / Tools
- tools page
- about / Tools
- tooltips plugin
- plugin structure, creating / Step 1: Create the plugin structure
- JavaScript file, loading / Step 2: Load the JavaScript file
- JavaScript initialization / Step 3: Add CSS and JavaScript initialization
- CSS, adding / Step 3: Add CSS and JavaScript initialization
- exercise / Exercise
- topbar
- about / Topbar
- topbar menu
- about / Topbar menu
- Trac
- URL / Developer resources
- troubleshooting
- plugins / Troubleshooting
- Twitter / Social features
- integrating, with The Wire / Twitter integration
- Twitter API plugin / Twitter integration
- activating / Twitter integration
- two_sidebar layout / Update routing
- type attribute
- about / Type and subtype
- typography module
- about / CSS
- unit tests
- about / Unit tests
- upgrade, Elgg site / Upgrading
- URL shortener plugin / Customizations
- usage patterns, server selection
- about / Usage patterns
- use cases, bookmarks
- literature or vendor search / Use casesbookmarksuse cases
- students bookmarking resources for reports / Use casesbookmarksuse cases
- use cases, file
- sharing code snippets and scripts / Use cases
- Maps and trail guides for hiking group / Use cases
- use cases, pages
- help documentation / Use cases
- group-based FAQ / Use cases
- use cases, The Wire
- answering questions / Use cases
- live tweeting an event / Use cases
- user hover menu
- about / User hover menu
- view / User hover menu
- comments / User hover menu
- user importer plugin / Plugins mentioned
- user management, Elgg engine
- about / User management
- user pickers input view
- about / User pickers
- input/friendspicker / User pickers
- input/userpicker / User pickers
- user registration and authentication
- registration fields, adding / User registration and authentication
- users, importing / User registration and authentication
- external authentication / User registration and authentication
- users
- registering, on Elgg site / Registering users
- about / Users, groups, and objects
- views / Users, groups, and objects
- developers / Users, groups, and objects
- themers / Users, groups, and objects
- user settings
- about / User settings
- Your settings page / Your settings
- tools page / Tools
- notification settings / Notifications
- users options, adding from plugin
- problem / Problem
- solution / Solution
- example / Example
- user_defined_toolbar plugin
- plugin structure, creating / Step 1: Create the plugin structure
- user settings, adding / Step 2: Add user settings
- toolbar view, adding / Step 3: Create the toolbar view
- CSS, adding / Step 4: Add CSS
- exercise / Exercise
- uses cases, blogs
- communication tool for managers / Use cases
- book reports / Use cases
- site news / Use cases
- uses cases, groups
- community of practice / Use cases
- group project / Use cases
- premium content / Use cases
- $vars[] associative array / View templates
- view
- searching, for overriding / Step 1: Find the view to override
- searching, for extending / Step 1: Find the view to extend
- building / Step 3: Build our view
- about / What is a view?
- displaying / What is a view?
- output / What is a view?
- extending / Extending a view
- overriding / Overriding a view
- View all link / Message board
- view directories
- forms / HTML
- input / HTML
- navigation / HTML
- object / HTML
- output / HTML
- river / HTML
- views
- about / Review, Views, Views
- view templates / View templates
- page shells / Page shells and layout
- layout / Page shells and layout
- view type / View type
- extending / Overriding and extending views
- overriding / Overriding and extending views
- special views / Special views
- using / Using views
- views, MVC pattern
- about / Views
- views/default directory
- about / A greeting view
- views directories / Plugins
- view system
- about / Views system
- view / What is a view?
- view, extending / Extending a view
- view, overriding / Overriding a view
- template language / Template language
- caching / Caching
- viewtype / The viewtype
- tools / Tools
- view templates
- about / View templates
- view type
- about / View type
- viewtype
- about / The viewtype
- default viewtype / The viewtype
- rss viewtype / The viewtype
- mobile viewtype / The viewtype
- about / Virtual Private Server
- VPS package / Easy performance gains
- WeatherBug
- URL / Exercise
- web analytics
- about / Web analytics
- web page, Hello, World plugin
- creating / Creating a web page
- web services
- about / Web services
- web services, Elgg engine
- about / Web services
- welcome_widget plugin
- plugin structure, creating / Step 1: Create the plugin structure
- widget edit view, creating / Step 2: Create the widget edit view
- widget content view, creating / Step 3: Create the widget content view
- exercise / Exercise
- when X happens, event system
- problem / Problem
- solution / Solution
- example / Example
- event, searching / Step 1: Find the event
- function, writing / Step 3: Write the function that sends the e-mail
- widgets
- layout, fixing / Widgets
- new widget, pushing / Widgets
- about / Widgets, Widgets
- views / Widgets
- developers / Widgets
- widgets, Elgg engine
- about / Widgets
- Wiki documentation
- URL / Elgg developer resources
- about / Elgg developer resources
- wording, modifying
- about / Lesson 1: Changing wording
- problem / Problem
- solution / Solution
- example / Example
- language strings, searching / Step 2: Find the language strings
- language strings, overriding / Step 3: Override the language string
- wording plugin
- plugin structure, creating / Step 1: Create the plugin structure
- exercise / Exercise
- WordPress / Communication
- about / Comparing theming in WordPress to Elgg
- WordPress community / Commercial themes
- WordPress to Elgg
- theming, comparing / Comparing theming in WordPress to Elgg
- world.php file / Creating a web page
- URL / Plugin structure
- WYSIWYG / Blogs
- WYSIWYG editor / Blogs
- XAMPP / Create the database
- Your settings page
- about / Your settings
- zaudio plugin / Plugins mentioned
- ZenOSS / Tools