Dialogue loops and story knots
Writing dialogue in ink often means being aware of how it will be used with other systems. In the previous section, we investigated two approaches to using tags when writing single lines of dialogue. In this topic, we will move away from a focus on individual lines and work with the larger structures within an ink project. By inspecting two common patterns in which to present choices to a player, we will learn how knots in ink can be reused within projects to save future time and effort. The last section in this topic also includes advice for starting a new project or converting it using ink.
Because it appears most often, we will begin with a pattern that appears in the Writing dialogue in ink using tags section as part of the ink code examples using tags: click to continue.
Click to continue
The completed project for this section can be found inside the Chapter 10 examples on GitHub under the name of Chapter10-ClickToContinue
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